Saturday, April 12, 2008

i dunno what it is about elitist liberals

but they have this deadly tendency to let the ol' "man of the people" mask slip when they're amongst their own and think it's safe.

i mean, you'd think barack woulda learned something from the john kerry "be smart or you'll get stuck in iraq" debacle of a couple years ago, but nope--he actually opened his mouth and said what he really thought in a place where people could hear him.

and really, folks, is it any surprise to anybody that barack obama--or any educated liberal, for that matter--sees the downtrodden (white) lower/middle-class of this country as nothing more than simpleminded bible-thumping, rifle-waving xenophobes looking for a scapegoat for their own miserable failures? because it came as no shock to me--reading liberal blogs every day as i do, i know exactly how these people regard joe sixpack from scranton.

and now, of course, that woman of the people, hillary clinton, has jumped on this like a crow on a junebug--it'll be interesting to see which of 'em manages to out-pander the other to the huddled masses of pennsylvania between now and the primary. i swear to god--between 'em, these two dipshits are gonna end up putting john mccain in the white house, you just watch.


Anonymous said...

Calm down guttermorality.

This quotation is a problem for Obama not because he says people are bitter, but because he mocks the values of many rural Americans who take their guns seriously and their religion even more so.

This is the small town America I grew up in. We got the first two days of deer hunting season off from school because every boy over 7 was out in the woods hunting deer, or at least pretending to.

We had 30 churches in our small town...and people went. This was partly because there wasn't much else to do, but mostly because so many people had deeply held religious beliefs.

This is the dream quotation for Republicans. It plays into every stereotype that Republicans make of liberals -- that they are elitist pinheads who hold anyone who does not think like they do in smug contempt.

This is a "What's the Matter with Kansas" moment for Obama.

Coupled with his own crazy pastor, it makes Obama very vulnerable in a general election.

And Obama did this one all to himself. When the video comes out (and it is only a matter of time given the number of cameras at the event), it is going to be worse.

Whatever Hillary has said on this is really kinda beside the point.

My prediction (you saw it here first): This ends up playing out for another 4 or 5 days and then, after the Pennsylvania primary results come in, it ends up playing out some more in the commentary about Obama's loss there.

Rev. Wright was Obama's first strike, this is his second. This will not kill his campaign, but a third strike just might.

There are a lot of superdelegates who may end up with buyer's remorse on Obama. We'll see.

mkf said...

noblesavage: i don't think the word "bitter" appears anywhere in my post--i know just as well as you what was "problematic" about his quote; in fact, i'd say we're pretty much in agreement on that point.

we differ in that your comment seems to imply an assertion that limo liberals don't really echo obama's sentiments about the denizens of our heartland (or "flyover", in the lib vernacular) regions, while i on the other hand know damn well they do.

additionally, you seem to view the "wright" thing and the "bitter" thing as two separate and discrete strikes, while i think they're very much connected. i suspect this new incident will--especially in the eyes of the white swing vote--serve as confirmation of their suspicions about his true feelings for white people that were raised by his affiliation with wright.