[why this post? because sometimes it's fun to try and see if i can turn the little everyday nothins' into somethin']
one of the problems with being a middle-aged boyhound is that the really choice targets tend to suffer from the misconception that they hold all the power, a delusion which is only reinforced by all the desperate daddies out there, and one which must be broken if (for me, anyway) full enjoyment is to be gained from the experience.
the truth is, daddies, they need you just as much as you need them--it's just a matter of getting them to understand this.
in gaining the necessary upper hand, i've found the guttermorality indifference technique to be invaluable, coupled with a little advice i once got from good ol' uncle don way back when i was a lad:
"when it comes to any deal, mike, you gotta care, but not too much."
of course, uncle don would be rolling in his urn if he had any idea how i'm using that advice today, but whatever--here's a recent case in point.
now, right off the bat, there are at least two things in the above that would normally disqualify this boy from consideration, but the accompanying picture tells me he is so totally up my alley in every possible way (and yours too, trust me)--plus he's far away, short on time and lives with roommates--that i'm willing to give him the car.
the blindfold? that's something else entirely, because it implies a degree of anonymity that's generally a dealbreaker for me, no matter how hot they are. so i ask him.
and, sure enough
i do the pleasure/pain equation. he's hot and wild enough that it'll probably be good even without my mouth getting anywhere near his. but he's also obviously used to calling the shots with the old guys, and i decide if i can't change that--put a dent in his bubble, alter the balance of power a little--i'm willing to walk away. plus, his replies are coming back so quick, i sense a weakness in his position. i wait five minutes, hit him back with
well, you can practically hear the howls of disbelief all the way from torrance--this is not a boy who's accustomed to being turned down, especially by the likes of me.
mercy kissing? i don't think so. besides, kid's tipped his hand--he wants it more than me.
and, just like that, he gives it up.
i magnanimously agree to come down, just so long as he understands that i expect him to hold up his end of the deal. but he can't resist one more try for the upper hand.
and, you know what? he did.