Monday, April 14, 2008

see, linda, if you'd only yelled something inoffensive like "god damn america" at those kids, you'd still be a delegate


from the chicago sun-times:

Linda Ramirez-Sliwinski, a Carpentersville village trustee, was elected as an Obama delegate to the Democratic National Convention. She sports an Obama sign in her front yard.

On Saturday, two neighbor children were playing in the tree next-door to her house.

Ramirez-Sliwinski "came outside and told the children to quit playing in the tree like monkeys. The tree was not on Ramirez-Sliwinski's property," Carpentersville Police Commander Michael Kilbourne said.

Ramirez-Sliwinski admitted she used the word "monkeys," but said she did not intend racism. She said she was only trying to protect them from falling out of the tree.

"Linda Ramirez-Sliwinski said she saw the kids playing in the tree and didn't want them falling out of the tree and getting hurt. She said she calls her own grandchildren 'monkeys,' " Kilbourne said. The mother of one of the children did not see it that way, noting she and Ramirez-Sliwinski have clashed before.

"She felt it was racist because of the fact the children were African-American," Kilbourne said.

Told of the incident Monday by the Sun-Times, Obama's campaign called Ramirez-Sliwinski and persuaded her to step aside as a delegate because the campaign felt her remarks were "divisive and unacceptable."
obviously, the obama camp were not impressed with linda's "it takes a village" attitude.

oh, and to add insult to injury, not only did linda get banished from obamaland for her words, she also got a $75 ticket for "disorderly conduct, " defined as, "when a person does something that alarms or disturbs another." all because she referred to a couple of kids climbing a tree as "monkeys." i mean, jesus god--i've said it before and i'll say it again: it will not be the conservatives who kill free speech in america; it'll be the liberals.

i posted this story because it so clearly serves as a portent of one aspect of what we have to look forward to if this guy gets elected--every non-black (oh, and every non-liberal black) in america tiptoeing around on eggshells for at least the next four years lest they slip up, be labeled "divisive and unacceptable" and thus get relegated to the gulag.

[and yes, virginia, i'll still be voting against mccain voting for obama, but i'm just sayin--and probably not for the last time.]


Anonymous said...

Guttermorality, as a middled aged white guy (if a faggot white guy), you have probably had it pretty good in your life.

If it changes, all I could say is welcome to what it was like to be a black American circa 1950.

Most whites have no idea of their privilege. Well, I should say most people have no idea how they are privileged over others.

The best comment I ever heard about George W. Bush is "He was born on third base and thinks he hit a triple."

So many black Americans had to worry about every little thing they did and how it would be judged: Not as an individual, but as the representative of their race.

Political correctness gone overboard is just not the answer, but perhaps these bitter folks cling to their moral superiority since they have neither guns nor religion to cling to.

But having said that, I think we all could use a little more sense of humor and not take ourselves too seriously.

mkf said...

oh for god's sake, noblesavage, don't even start with me with all your self-loathing liberal white-guilt bullshit.

(a) because yeah, yeah, i know: blacks reserve the right to marinate in their victimhood unto perpetuity because god knows that's easier than actually getting off their asses and doing something--and, since whitey couldn't possibly understand what they're "going through" (even though it was their grandparents and not them who went through it), we have become so cowed by political correctness we don't have the balls to challenge blacks on this bullshit, thus justifying and perpetuating their mediocrity as a culture for yet another generation.

(b) and yeah, i know--since blacks went through hell in the past, it's only fair that whites should experience the same thing today, payback being what it is and all.

well, fuck that--i don't live in the past and they shouldn't either. and, besides, what does any of that have to do with this story? racist-oppressor linda was fucking hispanic, for god's sake.

Anonymous said...

In all fairness, Mike, wouldn't shouldn't I have a sense of entitlement like black racists? After all, I am a Jew. We were enslaved for a lot longer...hell, some people even think we killed christ.

That said, I routinely refer to my nephews as my "monkey boys." I have never thought of it as a racist nickname. I can think of plenty of absolutely, unequivocally racial slurs, but monkey boy just ain't one of 'em.

And yes, Noblesavage, I am one of those "never knew I was privileged" whites. Was there a point to that comment, or are you trying to "knock" me down a peg? In my lifetime I've never met a black person who felt they had to worry about being judged simply because of their color.

Your statements are false and bordering on the ridiculous.

Oh, and they're racist too.

Anonymous said...

[noblesavage replies anonymously because the damn thing does not want to accept my post -- that could be a sign.]

False, racist and bordering on the ridiculous?

Judi, let no one accuse you of being short of opinions.

The last thing I said was to have a sense of humor here. Apparently, this call to laugh has been a causality of the culture wars.

As a white guy from the Midwest, my experience is different from others and I certainly understand that. If you judge my experiences and views racist, well, I'm not sure where that gets us other than increasing the rhetoric level a notch.

My point of the original post was relatively straightforward: Yes, I agree with both of you that Linda Ramirez-Sliwinski appears to have been unfairly tagged all in all.

But, I disagree when you try to make this some gigantic metaphor for "black privilege" or that an Obama world would be where every white person would have to walk on eggshells for being afraid of offending any "privileged" person of color. I just don't think that is ever going to happen.

My second point was what seemed to really get both Judi and guttermorality going: That whites have had it pretty good comparatively, so perhaps a little tilting the other way would not be such a bad thing.

I find it somewhat unexplainable when I see white resentment from folks that it's hard to say have much to be resentful about (on an objective level). I mean, how much have you been the victim of affirmative action or any other liberal correctness run amuck?

If your black friends say they have never experienced even a subtle discrimination based upon race, I'll believe that. But, I would ask you to ask your friends such a straightforward question 'cause I'm betting you would be surprised at the answer.

As Obama has replied when people say he is "only" half black that it's still hard to get a cab after dark.

I am not feeling guilty because I am white. I am also not feeling sorry for others who have had it rough. I am just trying to recognize that I have had chances others have not and it is not because I am smarter or because I worked harder or because of anything I have done other than getting lucky. I've had privileges and guttermorality so have you.

Not everyone has been so fortunate. Yes, they could do more for themselves, but we live in an America that claims that everyone gets a fair chance and it ain't so, Joe.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm just calling it as I see it.

mkf said...

judi: i had no idea you were a christkill--uh, jewish.

noblesavage: i have to disagree with you about the walking on eggshells thing. obama has a buzzword--a subtle way of branding someone or something as racist without coming out and saying it--they're "divisive." he uses that word a lot. i'm really starting to hate that word.

and a black man will be able to get a cab as easily as a white man when cabdrivers figure the odds of being robbed by the black man are no greater than being robbed by the white; i.e., when african-american culture cleans up its act--see, it works both ways.

Anonymous said...


That you continue to talk about 'white resentment' and 'privilege' and 'walking on eggshells' is further proof that you are part of the problem and not the solution.

You obviously haven't tried to hail a cab after midnight in midtown Manhattan. 'Taint easy, regardless of color.

I can tell you, without having to ask them, that my black friends didn't have problems hailing cabs because we didn't take cabs anywhere. We grew up in S. Florida--it was walk, bike, take the bus or get a ride from someone. So it's not a 'fair' question.

I know plenty of people (my father's generation) who have been victims of affirmative action AND plan B. Actually, there's a pending lawsuit against UT because a student was denied admission even though she is qualified to attend. She wasn't admitted because of her skin color--or lack thereof.

LMB said...

Hey, MKF! What's up? Haven't posted on your blog in a coon's age!

oh shit.