Saturday, April 12, 2008

yeah, i know i'm a day late and a dollar short with this one, but indulge me anyway

i saw this awhile back on drudge (who, i believe, broke the story in los estados unidos) and just laughed and laughed, sat back and watched the fun--and fun it has been:

act 1: conservative outrage--"boycott absolut" movement initiated

act 2: liberal counter--"anybody who objects to this ad must be racist and evil, because by god we libs are the only ones who get to be all irrational and boycott shit"

act 3: frantic backpedaling by absolut as they realize the magnitude of their tactical error.

and me? fuck, i hope this hurts 'em, and good--the nationalist in me wants this to serve as a reminder that when you cravenly attempt to pander to the sour-grapes mentality in the corrupt shithole that is mexico at the expense of the united states of america, you should expect to experience consequences here.

because, my friends and readers, i live in their absolut world--i've watched as, over the past 19 years, the quality of life in my adopted city of los angeles has steadily deteriorated in direct proportion to the unchecked influx of illegal immigration from the south. but hey, don't take my racist, xenophobic gringo-ass word for it--the following are a few select words from ex-mexicans who say it better than i ever could (courtesy of this chick, who i'm sure couldn't have imagined the response she'd get when she joyously posted the above pic on her blog):

first, let's hear from fabricio:

I was born and raised end educated in Mexico, this has got to be the biggest sour grapes ad ever. We lost tons of what was then OUR territory, because we were weak, stupid and corrupt, no one in Mexico cared about 2/3 of the old Nueva Espana until after they discovered gold in California and no one in Mexico cared about that territory untli the USA built it up with roads, cities, towns, services, industry in the early 20th century. Guess what, it’s the 21st century and Mexico is still weak, stupid and corrupt, socially, economically and govermentally. Instead of wroking to build a great society, instead of mexican society working as a team and building a 1st class country with the tons of human an natural resources we have, we covet jealously what we could have had, what the USA became and is, it because the Americans are smart and they have their checks and balances socially, politically and economically they built an empire out of 13 piece of dirt colonies, the Spaniards gave us an empire in term of land and as a society we pissed it away, the problem is that mexican never look at themselves as the problem, which we are, naturally we always look at some one else to blame for our own failings.

We suck as a culture, we suck as a society, we suck as a country, were a third rate wannabe leftist dictatorship aka a latina american democracy that can never get it’s act straight. I had the good fortune of marrying into an American family that embraced me regardless of my origins these social and political conservatives are some of the most generous and hard working people and some of the closest knit humans you will find, I am lucky to have left Mexico, and I will never return to Mexico, I will die for the USA and my sons will die for the USA because it has given me everything.

What has Mexico ever given me? Nada.

and now, here's "legal:"

This is “absolute”ly disgusting.
I am an immigrant to the USA and love America.
Mexicans are envious and angry.
They need to solve their own problems and their weak, corrupt government.
I came to the USA from a socialist, unionist government that failed its people.
Mexico is no different.
I will boycott Absolute.
Absolute sucks.
I am tired of the “reconquista” and “blame America” mentality.

and, finally, a quote from "victor":

Fabricio: As a Hispanic, I have never before seen such an excellent summation of what is wrong with the whole Reconquista movement. I have always said it…The best thing that Mexico gave me was NOTHING. It taught me to stand on my own two feet. Gracias…for making the point that although it is EASY to fall for the easy “Viva Mexico” crap, most people who say it are standing on the US side of the line….To Mexico, I repeat what John said…”Come and get it…”
thanks, guys, for making my point for me.

[the irony here, of course, is that 20 or so years from now, that map will be more accurate than not--and yes, we'll be talking about this more, trust me; it's a hot-button issue here in guttermoralityland.]

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