Friday, April 11, 2008

our candidates are all idiots

[seeing as i've been so preoccupied with my incipient alcoholism i've neglected politics lately, i thought i'd come back hard]

hillary clinton is an idiot because, given the fact that back when she was the anointed candidate mulling over potential campaign managers she could have snapped her fingers and had anybody she wanted--and i mean anybody (probably up to and including karl rove)--she picked some fuckwad who was not only unwilling to quit his day job but who had demonstrable, clear and ultimately deadly conflicts of interest with her candidacy. and if she couldn't figure this out, then (her congenital tendency to prevarication aside) the bitch deserves to go down just as sure as that pussy-ass al gore did back when he spread his legs for bush in 2000.

barack obama is not only an educated idiot but, worse, a naive and arrogant idiot--naive, because he really seems to believe that he's gonna ride into washington on a white horse and, through the force of his character, will and innate rightness, unite the parties and the country in a coalition of "hope" and "change." and arrogant, because now it seems he thinks that the fact that he spent some time as a child in indonesia, traveled to pakistan when he was in college and has relatives living in mud huts in kenya gives him the foreign-policy cred to get the world to come together, join hands and sing kum ba ya. jesus god, save us all.

and, finally, john mccain is an idiot because--oh fuck it, just google "john mccain" and "idiot" and use the overabundance of hits gained thereby to figure it out for yourselves. g'night.


Anonymous said...

You forgot to add:

Hillary's a raging anti-Semite and that whole "Obama's a racist" thing.

As for McCain, the man just makes me laugh. He alternately calls his wife a 'cunt' AND calls other (politicos) people 'chickenshit'.

Anonymous said...

it's gonna be:

McCAIN/RICE in '08

To put it in cinematic terms,
it's gonna be 'DUMB & DUMBER'..

Or George & Gracie without the humor..

Spencer & Kate without the wit..

Chevy & Goldie without the cocaine..

Yeah so, this country is headed for shit...

mkf said...

judi: for the sake of conciseness (is that a word?) i tried to limit myself in this post to the topic of idiocy--god knows i could write a book about their other collective deficiencies

yhm: you may be right, but i think condi's a desperation pick--and he's feeling anything but desperate these days