Saturday, March 29, 2008

and the thing is, he's not even my type

i dunno if you ever go to manhunt--because god knows i wouldn't be caught dead there. but from what i hear, their splash features an ever-changing panoply of models in various states of undress--all shapes, sizes, races and types--apparently, you never know what you're gonna get when you go there. and sometimes, from what i hear, you have to hit "refresh" up to fifteen or twenty times before the above-featured image even comes up.

not that i'd know first-hand, of course.


Anonymous said...

You are a lying mother fucker!!!!..

But, that's one of the many things i love about you..

Anonymous said...

Yeah, no. Manhunt is a place where I have to live vicariously through, well, men.

Along those lines, I was accused of being a dude for the second time in my life.

Just 'cause I have brass balls (and a love for gay porn) doesn't make me a fucking dude.

Anonymous said...

It's a pity his face looks like he came out of a Georgian (that's former Communist Bloc Georgia where Stalin was born) strip club . Nope , too ugly .

mkf said...

horny monkey: hey baby

judi: you are now the second woman i've heard this from--interesting

bb: please--you'd have done him when he was 14

Anonymous said...

And your point is?

Guttermorality, the least you could do is say whatever you have to say.

So, you come go to manhunt and this is the guy you like...even though he's not your type? Or what?

If you look at the bottom (you do look at the bottom sometimes, right? or do you just continue to stare into space as the top man you are), it says "Titanmen Exclusive and Manhunt member...." so perhaps you need to give manhunt a try...

Cause we all know that the models, each and every one of them, is just waiting there for you to send them a message and get together and have wonderful sex.

mkf said...

hillary: obviously the slyly ironic tone i was going for in this post was somewhat less than successful.

and yeah, it's kinda frustrating, because you know damn well the only thing that's keepin us apart is the fact that he and i haven't come across each others' profiles yet (another attempt at sly irony, btw).

Anonymous said...

What's that, Mike? My love for gay porn or the accusation of being a man?

mkf said...

judi: oh, your love for gay porn--but i can see how that could lead to the other ;)

Anonymous said...

On the bright side , if you two get together at least it'll keep you away from us young men who'd rather not be defiled by old age before our time .

Anonymous said...

ok, byzantine boy..

when i was 20 when i moved to San Francisco, i purposely pursued older men.. not only because i have a thing for salt-pepper hair, but because these were the guys that were there at the frontlines of the gay liberation movement..

These were the guys that fought for the freedom that us young and spoiled faggots have today...

Yeah, they may be jaded and lecherous, but for fuck's sake, they were there to take part in and witness our history.. the death of Judy Garland which led to the Stonewall riots, the debauchery-filled 70's and the birth of AIDS in the 80's on to the privileged 90's..

So yeah, we may be young guys who prefer NOT to be defiled by 'old age' and that's fine and all... but if we ignore our history, it's due to repeat itself with even more dire consequences..

i'm not saying for you to fuck the next petrified fag you see in a wheelchair.. but take the time and ask him about what was it like when he was young and mobile..

Whoa, i just went off on a tangent.. ok, i'l just step off this soapbox and kick it away..

Anonymous said...

The sad thing, Mike, is that he didn't know about my gay porn love.

He was pissed because I wasn't diggin' him.

Anonymous said...

ROFL . So I guess you'd be one of those guys , Mr. Lusty Primate , that would have sought out Mr. Washington's tent since he was fighting for your freedom too ? What a load of crock . Real gay boys don't worry about 'freedom' or stupid idiocy like that . Only the ugly boys joined the LBGTQIA alliances along with the butch dykes . The rest of us went to our parties and had our fill of each other in the wealthy homes that our parents worked for . The gay sub-culture can be divided in half . Those of us who enjoy what we do because we can do it and those uglies and messed up in the head (let's add the transgendered in there too) who have some kind of problem who need to make it up with ideas of "monogamy" and "equality" .

Anonymous said... pulled up the ONLY manhunt model I like.

But, since I erased my own profile, he and I will never find each other online -- unless he reads this on guttermorality -- or unless I make it to Budapest.

Now, the real manhunt is that NONE of the guys look like that. If they do look like that, they are as snobby as byzantine boy and won't ever meet up and I've never been sure why they are on Manhunt in the first place -- but it has nothing to do with actually hooking up.

There is a scene in the film Circuit where the lead guy makes love to himself in the mirror...that has been my experience with most hot is actually less work and more fun usually to just jerk off by myself 'cause the hot guy is usually so needy and attention starved.

As for BB's comment that:

"The rest of us went to our parties and had our fill of each other in the wealthy homes that our parents worked for."

Ah, no.

You probably have no idea what it was like to be gay in the 1980s, and a blog post response is probably not going to educate you.

But, let's just say if you weren't hanging around all the gays you thought were ugly and uncool, you may not know this but you were keeping everyone happy.

'cause whatever you look like on the outside, you sound like a selfish and ugly turd on the inside.

I'm sure your hard working parents are proud of what you have become.

mkf said...

judi: and you know what? he still thinks you were yet one more guy who didn't want him--story of his life.

bb: it would appear that your campaign to win the coveted title of official guttermorality provocateur has succeeded admirably. congratulations, cupcake.

rob: you actually like that skinny little thing? i guess there's hope you and i could put together a three-way after all.

Anonymous said...

I would like to think that I've grown.

Perhaps it's just that I've aged.

The simple matter is that I am attracted to a much wider variety of guys these days.

A three way with guttermorality? Hmmm...I'm thinking that would be interesting...perhaps we can call up Monte and tryst.

Anonymous said...

Good grief, mkf, you're the first brand new blogger that comes pre-configured with your own angry mob. How'd you do that?

Is someone seriously looking at that picture and saying "wow, what an old geezer"???

Whatever. If that picture doesn't say "one fun fuck," then... well, then apparently people have different tastes, don't they?

But hey, I'm a guy who's into Viggo, and most gay dudes think he's equivalent to George Burns.
Fine. More for me, I guess.

mkf said...

atari: yeah, it does get interesting around here sometimes, and i agree with you--anybody who'd kick that guy outta bed needs to have his gay genes examined.

and to you and horny monkey: on behalf of gay geezers everywhere, i wanna thank you both for your continued support.