Sunday, March 30, 2008

so i'm talking with a friend of mine

and he mentions an article he read in which some psychologist or other claims a direct correlation can be made between a gay man's level of promiscuity and the number of self-help books he owns.

i scoffed at how ridiculous that was and then went home and hid all of mine.


Anonymous said...

Along those lines, a friend of mine was chatting with his shrink one day and the shrink was telling him about studies regarding mental illness being directly correlated to the number of tattoos one has.

Apparently more than three and you are batshit crazy.

I have nine.

mkf said...

judi: not sure i buy that one, especially these days--and what, does that then imply that the relative absence of tattoos must be a sign of mental well-being? because i have none, and i'll let you draw your own conclusions there.

Anonymous said...

Well, i don't think that's true..

i've never bought (nor received) one self-help book in my entire life, yet i'll fuck 75% of anything that moves..

mkf said...

yhm: hey, nobody ever said non-tortured souls can't be sluts too ;)