Sunday, March 23, 2008

and please...drink responsibly

see the look on that kid's face? that, in case you don't know, is the classic "i'm starting to sober up" coupled with the "it's just beginning to dawn on me how much fucking trouble i might be in" expression with which i can so totally relate--except that what he and a couple of his fun-loving college buddies did is several orders of magnitude more serious than anything i or anybody i know has ever even thought of doing drunk (or ever been nailed for, anyway).

see, these three instant felons apparently figured it'd be a hoot to set off a stick of dynamite on a balcony of this hotel they were staying at over spring break in florida, thereby blowing the thing to smithereens, shattering several windows, scaring the shit outta god only knows how many people and, remarkably, not killing or maiming themselves or anybody else in the process. read about it here; it's kind of entertaining.

[and the thing is, these days when i see a story like this i increasingly don't identify with the kid as much as i do with his poor dad who presumably was, at the moment this picture was snapped, back home in middle america, sleeping like a guy who still thinks he's financially solvent--i'm gettin old, i guess.]


Anonymous said...

Having lived through countless Spring Breaks in Ft. Lauderdale, I can tell you that this action isn't surprising in the least although blowing up a balcony is quite possibly a first for the state in which everything weird happens.

I firmly believe that brains are checked at the state line when one enters Florida, and that residents need to stop drinking the water.

This quote, albeit old, sums up Floriduh nicely:

'Everything offbeat and outrageous occurs in Florida, from a botched presidential election to the place that served as terrorist training grounds.'
--John McCann, Orlando Sentinel columnist

mkf said...

judi: having a generalized aversion to both noise and crowds, i can't even begin to imagine what ft. lauderdale is like right now.

LMB said...

The kids cute, though. Crime and beauty...

mkf said...

hmm, "crime and beauty" there's a book title.

Anonymous said...

Let me guess , you guys want his punishment to be 'community service' . We all know where this is going .

Porn for the blind anyone ?

mkf said...

you know, bb, there are all kinds of "i'm sure he'll be popular in prison" jokes each of us coulda made, but we decided to leave it for you to go there.

thank you for dragging what up until now had been one of my few semi-respectable posts straight into the gutter.