Friday, May 7, 2010

program note


blog sucks lately, and i apologize--dreary posts and unanswered comments abound.  what can i say, i'm not in a good space these days.

and not for the reason you might think--i start my new job next week, so no worries there [unless the background-check folks find this blog, of course].

no--the sad truth is, mkf does not handle big stretches of unstructured time well.

i can sorta come close to imagining what normal people with the capacity to enjoy shit would do if they suddenly found themselves at loose ends in sunny southern california with a month of free time between gigs and a big pocket full o' severance cash--but only barely.

me?  it just gave me more time to brood, consult my doomsday indicators and shake my head in helpless wonder at all my oblivious fellow americans out there happily walking around spending money and living their lives as if the world as they've always known it isn't about to end.

oh, yeah--and more time to drink.

problem is, these days the vodka's not producing the kinda high-quality posts it could once be reliably counted on to dredge up outta my twisted psyche, so i'm thinking there's only one healthy way to deal with this alcoholic dead end:

switch to tequila.

i'll let you know how that goes.


noblesavage said...

Tequila. Nothing good ever comes from tequila. At least for me. Too many very bad memories.

mkf said...

noblesavage: actually, that used to be true for me too--this time, however, i can afford the good stuff.