Sunday, May 9, 2010

ode to the sweetest lil' truck there ever was

as i detailed her for the last time today--ran my soapy sponge lovingly over every battle scar i'd carelessly inflicted upon her once-pristine sheetmetal, eradicated the last traces of spilled coke, melted chocolate and dropped ketchup-drenched french fries from her interior, thought about every angry, tire-screeching acceleration around every slow-moving asshole who'd ever dared impede my path--i contemplated the flawless, doglike devotion and pure, simple pleasure this humble little truck has given me in return.

i've never been careful when it comes to my vehicles, and god knows i was harder on this one than most; to this day, i can't remember where that first ding came from--i just looked up one day and there it was

and god, was i pissed.  but damage to a new car is like murder--once you get past that first one, it gets easier.

the next one, i halfway remember [i.e., i know i did it, i just don't remember the details]:

the one after that i remember clearly, if for no other reason than because it was a two-parter:  first, inflicting the initial minor damage by backing into a bollard at the 7-11 at olympic and la cienega

and then, furious at myself, peeling away and in the process of so doing, burning a significant amount of rubber off the rear tires whilst simultaneously tearing the bumper half off the damn truck in order to get free [and yes, alcohol may or may not have been involved].

the last one--from trying to park up under a tree and getting a little too close--might be due to simple carelessness, or maybe just my innate need for symmetry

whatever; outta all the vehicles i've ever owned in my semi-long life--and i'm talking a wide variety, including any number of high-end german ubermachines--this humble little '05 tacoma prerunner has unquestionably been the best of the bunch.

after almost six years and 70,000 miles of hard use [and with the exception of the minor damage outlined above], damn thing's still good as new:  tight and solid, engine still strong, paint glossy as ever, interior still perfect, never a single mechanical problem, ever.

of course it never even for a moment occurred to me to have any of the above shit fixed; on the contrary, coming as i do from a part of the country where people with "nice" pickups are dismissed as pussies, i consider each blemish a badge of honor.

hopefully her new owner will feel the same way.


noblesavage said...

The problem with the indestructible truck is that it does not play too well in the elite circles of Los Angeles that guttermorality lives in -- if not socializes with.

It has its fans among the gardeners and painters of this city. Indeed, the value of a pick up actually goes up after 10 years when it can be sent to Mexico on a duty free basis -- it is something like that and I am too busy to google the details.

But, face it, in the rarified air that guttermorality sleeps in, your neighbors are somewhat horrified by your beat up Toyota truck. Their beemers and benzes pass you with a bit of a tisk-tisk.

Now, if you were among the truly rich -- people with real money -- they would get it. But sadly, those folks are not the majority where you and I are.

mkf said...

noblesavage: you're right, as you well know--my dented little jewel has caused more than one of my well-heeled neighbors to casually mention "this really good body-shop" that they know of, to which i just smile and nod.

i'm sure its pristine replacement has generated much relief among the high bourgeoisie. maybe i should back it into a tree--whattya think?