Thursday, May 6, 2010

why i pay no attention to the mainstream media


two weeks ago:


awhile back, a regular reader took me to task for my alarmist, harebrained views and suggested i might want to look to more "respected" sources for my news.

like the one above, faithful reader?  god only knows how many poor saps were lured back into the market by that cheery, calculated, corporate-sponsored drivel--just in time for the fleecing.


noblesavage said...

All of the market indicators were pointed generally in a positive direction. The same is true today. The wise men will declare that the Great Recession most likely ended a little while ago (it's hard to get a handle on things as they are happening, which explains why hindsight is so much clearer).

In any case, there is a good chance that the Greek flue will spread from Europe and inflict real damage to the U.S. economy. Having said that, there is also a good chance that the European difficulties will leave the United States actually stronger -- look at the rise of the dollar relative to the Euro and the British pound. Gold has spiked, but oil is down significantly. So the indicators are mixed.

Time will prove whether you are a sage of immense wisdom or not. If your predictions all pan out and we are entering a dark ages period where gold will be necessary and Mad Max seems like just one step away, you can say you put it out there long before it happened and became obvious, because it's just not obvious to me that the is inevitable future we are facing.

mkf said...

noblesavage: market indicators, my ass--this market is a bubble blown up by easy money printed by the fed and offered up to the big boys at zero interest in order to prop up the stock and treasury markets. do you really not understand that?

as for my being "a sage of immense wisdom"--god, i wish.