Sunday, May 2, 2010

because apparently it's only bad if you do it to illegals in arizona


so at the same time--and i mean, the EXACT same time--that the left is self-righteously wringing its collective hands over arizona's new "show me your papers" law, the democratic leadership has suddenly decided it's time to push forward with a chillingly dangerous idea that i thought had died a righteous death a couple years back; namely, the national ID card--complete with biometric identifiers, RFID tracking chips and god only knows what else.

at first, of course, we'll only need it to get a job, but one of these days we'll need it to get a cup of coffee--with this single step, we really are talking about the beginning of the end of freedom as we know it.

and senate democratic whip dick durban apparently thinks that we americans have been so completely beaten into submission by PATRIOT-Act intrusions upon our civil liberties over the last eight years that we'll accept this final indignity without a whimper.  his actual quote (in case you think i'm lying):

For a long time [the national ID card] was resisted by many groups, but now we live in a world where we take off our shoes at the airport and pull out our identification.

sad thing is, motherfucker's probably right.

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