Thursday, March 20, 2008

way to go dems!

once again snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, it would seem. if this ruinous primary season has taught you nothing else, i hope it's that you have to seriously look at a winner-take-all primary system like that of the republicans, and dispense with the apportioned-delegates/superdelegates nonsense that brought you to this sorry place--and quite possibly a continuation of the last eight disastrous years for this country.


Anonymous said...

Here's me hoping and praying that McCain doesn't do a Howard Dean (well , worse than that really considering how he is) and is disciplined enough to ride this to victory .

mkf said...

dream on, bb. he's starting to get cocky, and especially with all eyes on him as never before, trust me--somebody or something's gonna provoke him into at least one on-camera tantrum before it's all over.

Anonymous said...

You know what the reaction will be, right? "It's all Clinton's fault." Immediately followed by "It's all Obama's fault".

I'll go out on a limb and say it's all the fault of the damn loudmouth asinine online Dem "supporters". A bunch of self-serving jackasses, IMO.

Or perhaps I'm being a little harsh.

mkf said...

no, atari, you're not being harsh--obama and clinton supporters have effectively painted themselves into opposite corners to the degree that i wouldn't be surprised if lots of the supporters of the losing candidate either opted out on election day or voted for mccain outta spite.