Saturday, April 14, 2012

the sex therapist, part 3

seriously, i didn't think there was gonna be a part 3 either.

for those who don't wanna bother with part 1 and part 2, the short version is, i booked an appointment with a TV therapist, he flaked on me and i sent him an email expressing my feelings about same.

so today, lo and behold, and at long last, the following email arrives in my inbox:

hmm, he must've read my post.

after mulling this over for a few minutes, i did what i shoulda done in the first place:  a little digging into mr. donaghue's background revealed that his presence on television might perhaps have less to do with his penetrating insight and therapeutic acumen than the fact that he was fucking jai rodriguez (you know, the cute one from the execrable queer eye for the straight guy)

[and yeah, noblesavage, i would--in a new york minute]

at about the time said mr. rodriguez was forming his own production company and decided a reality series featuring his hot boyfriend would be a really great idea.

with this in mind, i tendered the following reply:


[and in case you happen to be reading this, mr. donaghue, be aware that i really don't take my life and what happens in it too seriously, but it does tend to make for good blogfodder.  thanks for your contribution.]

1 comment:

noblesavage said...

Well, he at least had the courtesy to write a fuck you email.

That's more than most.