Saturday, March 26, 2011

gay life lesson #14: the trip to pomona


[this one i didn't have to learn the hard way--i got to watch.  shame it didn't take.]

even 20 years later, i remember it clearly--my roommates and i were at rage with our friend scotty f [you remember him, noblesavage--he's the one who first gave me instruction in gay life lesson #1] and he met this boy and they spent the next three hours glued to each other in various locations around the bar until the lights came up and since scott's current home was somebody else's couch, they settled on the boy's place.

the fact that the boy lived 45 miles away in pomona didn't give either of them even a moment's pause--as we waved goodbye, they were curled up so close the kid practically had to reach between scott's legs to shift gears.

by the time they arrived at their destination, it was a different story--they were squinched into their separate corners as far apart as it was possible for two people in a car to be, they spent an uncomfortable night on opposite edges of a bed, and the trip back, according to scott, was the longest 45 miles of his life.

what happened between points a and b?  simple--given an hour to destroy whatever illusions each had built up about the other, our boys made the ultimate trick mistake:  they talked before they fucked.

from that day forward, "pomona" became an all-purpose catchphrase at 841, useful for any number of situations, such as (a) describing disillusionment ("honey, as soon as i walked in his bedroom and saw the 'little mermaid' action figures, i knew we were in pomona"), (b) an indication of TMI (waving of hands and shrieking "pomona!  pomona!") or (c) a friendly warning (if one of us left the house with lube in our pocket, somebody'd always call out, "stay away from pomona!").

sorta thing you'd think would stick in your head, right?

nah--some of us never learn.

*     *     *     *     *

what prompted this post, you ask?  tonight i allowed my drunken ass to get drawn into a pre-fuck debate about illegal immigration.  with a guy named osvaldo.

excuse me while i go jack off alone.


noblesavage said...

By Scotty, you really mean Billy Scott. I will not out his Texas ass any more.

Yes, Billy Scott when I came around was about the same age I am now. Except -- and here's the thing -- I always thought he was someone a little older but not a little wiser.

As for the no talking before tricking rule...well, this depends upon what you talk about and what kind of mood you are in.

By that I mean, if you talk about sex and how much you like sex and what do you like to do and the emotional attachment you feel to the guy (real or fake) -- the hour trip to Pomona can make it all the more incredible when you do the deed.

But, when you try to engage the other person intellectually instead of emotionally, well that strips away the fantasy of what sex is -- an intimate emotional attachment.

So, yeah, talk away, but stick to only talking about feelings...when he asks what you do, tell him it's not important right now, you want to know how he is feeling. This response inevitably meets with another guy melting.

Trust me, the noblesavage friendly amendment to the Billy Scott rule actually makes things a lot better.

mkf said...

noblesavage: you're right, and i guess i shoulda been more specific: any pre-fuck conversation not intended to enhance the fragile illusion should be avoided at all costs. as for the more important point: did the post make you smile? because i can't tell if my shit's funny to anybody but me anymore.

willam said...

hahahhahaha. that's amazing.