Thursday, April 15, 2010

a few quick cuts

who knew he was a philosopher?

word travels fast

so yesterday as i was idling on my barcalounger in my torn undershirt swilling beer outta the can and watching jerry springer, i got a call from a former colleague who'd heard the news, asking me if i'd be interested in a rare, serendipitous opening at his current firm--i threw together a resume and interviewed with him and his boss this morning.

considering it was my first formal interview in over twenty years [i always just seem to fall into shit], i think it went well.  good gig, too--they offer it to me, i'll probably grab it.

could somebody stop this woman, please?

i swore to god i'd never dignify this dumb bitch with another inch of blogspace ever again, but every time i turn around, her payday just seems to exponentially grow.

seriously, is there no end to the degree to which america will reward telegenic vacuity?

[never mind--that's a rhetorical question]

and then, there's this

they took my uncle don off life-support this morning.  the funeral's monday, and not only am i not going, i will totally be conspicuous by my absence.

my mother and sister will, as always, act as apologists on my behalf, but the general consensus among the surviving family members [especially his children] will probably be,"yeah, he was more than happy to fly to tulsa back when the money was flowing, but he couldn't be bothered to make the trip when it came time to pay his last respects."

fuck 'em--i'll be raising a glass to him in my own goddam way.

[and yeah, this is the way mkf buries shit--alone and down at the bottom]

1 comment:

noblesavage said...

Four unrelated items: the wisdom of Frank Sinatra, your unexpected interview, the Palin effect, and an uncle's death.

Two extremely personal items coupled with two comments on the world (or, a comment on Sinatra's comment on the world).

When I was at my Catholic college, I do think we all were quite aware of the fact that we were so much better off than the other religious schools like BYU or the baptist schools where alcohol was forbidden. We, of course, considered alcohol sacred if not sacramental. Never mind that there were a lot of 12 step meetings going on because, well because of all the excess.

Good luck with the job search.