Friday, November 28, 2008

i couldn't make this stuff up, folks

so last night i'm in an apartment in silverlake.  there's a knock at the door and since i'm closest i open it and i can't believe my eyes, because standing there is the last person i expect to see.

i probably shouldn't be that surprised, though--we always seem to run into each other in weird places, but it had been awhile.  and besides, the timing....i mean, talk about uncanny.

he hasn't changed at all since last we met--sleek, darked-eyed, handsome as ever--hell, he's barely changed since the first time i laid eyes on him almost fifteen years ago.  unlike me, he evinces no surprise, merely flashing that knowing grin and saying, "big mike--long time; how are ya?"

after i get over the initial shock, i pull him into the apartment, give him a hug, tell him, "you're not gonna believe this," and launch into my tale.  he laughs, remembering along with me, filling in details i'd forgotten.

as i leave, i tell him to make sure to pay a visit to my blog to read the story i'd written about him just the night before--and, of course, to give my best to mario.


Will said...

HA!--I just finished leaving a comment on Gay Banker's blog about how small a place the gay world can be (we'd just had a similar incident happen to a Thanksgiving guest of ours, one of whose former lovers had been a tenant in an apartment in Fritz's house at one time long ago).

Leslie Johnson said...

WOW thats incredible!

Anonymous said...

I believe when you are following the right path in life you see signs. Could this be one of those signs?

Anonymous said...

What were the details you had forgotten?

Well, I actually do remember the cholo twins (as I think you called them at the time)....and you have cleaned up the story a great deal...which I think is a shame.

But, as I remember, you have run in to Mario before and, he seems to have blossomed into a gay adult...safely legal now.

mkf said...

will & les: a former friend of mine once said that there are really only 500 fags in the world, and you keep running into the same ones over and over.

chuck: i dunno about that, but i do believe that thoughts are things, and can't discount a connection between thinking intently about luis one night and running into him the next. the universe is a funny place.

noblesavage: it was "the stardust twins," actually (although i'm damned if i can remember why), and forgive me if i'm a little squeamish about committing to paper a blow-by-blow account of my sexual encounter with a pair of adolescent boys. besides, the aftermath was far more interesting, storywise, don't you think?

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, the stardust twins...but I can't remember why they were so christened myself.

Well, you did turn white as a ghost when you heard their ages...I distinctly remember that...but, that's also not that unbelievable given your Irish heritage makes a paler white more readily achievable for you.

What I find so interesting about the story is that you have run in to Mario a few times since that fateful night behind Gold Coast.