Saturday, September 13, 2008

and after the pride is gone--then what?

yes, in this post, i'm waxing sentimental about a tube o' lube--and not even a very good-looking tube o' lube at that. i mean, look at it--"pride" lubricant?! and even if you can get past the lame-ass branding, it's scuffed and scarred and its once-vibrant pink-on-black is but a sad, faded shadow of its former self.

but regardless of all that, there's a reason this little tube o' lube is special: it's because, outta the hundreds of tubes just like it that have sustained me over the years through good times and bad, this is my very last one.

is there a story here? well, of course there is--where the fuck you think you are, anyway?

picture it: west hollywood, summer 1992 (or 1991, whatever--i have no doubt i'll be corrected). i'm newly out, a late bloomer, making up for lost time and sharing a house on crescent heights boulevard (the infamous "841," as it would come to be known) with paul and royce, who are showing me the ropes. through a series of machinations i won't bother going into here, we acquire a temporary fourth roommate: fresh from berkeley, the young, tender ex-boyfriend of the first guy i ever slept with--let's call him (for lack of a better name) noblesavage--is gonna enjoy the hospitality of our couch for the summer.

but you gotta understand--unlike the grim, teutonic taskmaster that is the noblesavage you see in my comments today (especially that last post), back in the day he was a hot, juicy little number--definitely the new boy in town that summer, and the house was just a little bit jealous of all the attention he stirred up (unlike the other two roomies, however, noblesavage and i took the trouble to look past the surface of what we saw in each other that summer, and developed a friendship that endures to this day).

anyway, even though we were both pretty new, noblesavage and i took really divergent paths in exploring our emergent sexuality: he was much more interested the communal aspects of the gay experience--you know, the music, the crowds, the dancing--all that stuff i had no use for, wrapped up as i then was in my lonely, single-minded pursuit of every 22-year-old piece of ass i could get my hands on.

and he quickly found his home that summer--a club called probe over on highland. legendary in its day, it featured the experience he was looking for: best dj's, best music, hottest boys in town writhing shirtless and sweaty on the dance floor as one, and all of it all night long until way past dawn.

[and just as quickly, he found his hook--and it was pure marketing genius. a repressed catholic boy, noblesavage showed up in town that summer with a box full of dozens of cheap, glow-in-the-dark rosaries he'd gotten from some religious mail-order catalog company--we're talking plastic beads and a crucifix heat-formed onto a circle of string--tackiest goddam things you've ever seen.

and before he'd set out for probe on any given night, he'd hang a couple dozen of 'em around his neck. while they looked dull and cheap in the light of day, they glowed as brilliantly as the most precious jewels under the black lights of the club--between the luminosity of the rosaries and his chicken-prettiness, he was damn well bound to stand out, and he did.

but then--and this is the genius part--as the night wore on, he'd walk up to guys who were either really hot and/or danced really well, remove one of the rosaries from around his neck and place it around theirs. and since he was really hot and/or danced really well, they'd generally accept it as the badge of honor it seemed to be, until, by the end of the night, he'd branded all the hot boys in the place with his own little ring of fire. and from what i understand, by the end of the summer, boys'd kill to get one of those glowing rosaries hung around their necks--it meant they were hot, right?]

but back to the story--one bright, sunny sunday morning towards the end of that summer, noblesavage came in the front door of 841, strode into my bedroom, tossed this huge box at the foot of my bed and said, "here--for you."

and i remember looking at him quizzically, kneeling down and ripping the box open, gaping at the contents--hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of of little sample tubes of lube--and then up at him with my mouth open.

and he said, offhandedly, "pride lubricant was doing a promotion at probe last night--they were tossing these things out at the crowd. i managed to snag a box for you--i figure if anybody could put 'em to good use, it would be you."

ok, for those of you who don't understand the overwhelming sense of gratitude that overtook me at that moment, lemme put it this way: lube is expensive, and giving a slutty faggot an endless supply of the stuff is pretty much the equivalent of giving a long-haul trucker an endless supply of diesel--it's that major.

and a seemingly endless supply it was--after awhile, the tubes o' lube went from the box to this big gym-bag that i kept next to my bed for years afterwards. and of course a big handful o' tubes went into the glove compartment of my car--and a handful went into the left pocket of my jeans whenever i left the house for even a walk to the mailbox (this being west hollywood and all)--and, naturally, as a lovely parting gift, a handful o' tubes would often go into the pocket of whatever trick du jour i was shoving out the door.

what the hell did i care? i had all the lube in the world--and if you haven't experienced that lovely feeling for yourself, i can't even begin to describe it to you.

and this happy state of affairs continued for years and years afterwards--until, sometime in the late '90s, something weird started to happen: with time and age, the the little tubes o' lube started to thicken and coalesce--i mean, yeah, you could spit on it and loosen it up, but it wasn't the same, and the boys started to complain.

so, reluctantly, i did the unthinkable and started buying retail. but i always knew i had a fallback--if i ran out (and i often did), sure as the sun would come up tomorrow, the tubes o' lube were always there, waiting to rescue me--and they were always better than nothing.

until a couple weeks ago, when i reached into the duffle, and came up with...this last, lonely, forlorn, beat-up little tube (and yeah, it's taken me that long to compose myself sufficiently to write this post, and sort out all the associated memories).

what the hell--end of one more era.


Anonymous said...

Glad to have you back in form...Well, tempus fugit & all. The mirror is the worst indicator of time's passage, so keep up the good work.

Will said...

Damn, the odd things that become mementos. Although not quite so powerful as Proust's madeleine, you got a nice post out of a lube tube.

I'm nursing a pair of 2xist briefs that I should have thrown out years ago. In my not nearly misspent enough 30s, I traded my briefs for them with a trick who soon became a regular fuck buddy, then part of a threesome when he introduced me to his OTHER fb. Three of my very best years sexually ensued, and I'm not yet willing to give up the last relic I have of that great time.

mkf said...

blindman: thanks, and ain't it the truth.

will: those briefs need to be blocked, matted, framed in a shadowbox and hung in a place of honor in your new home (guest bathroom, maybe?). and when people ask, just smile cryptically and change the subject ;)

Anonymous said...


I do remember giving you that box o' lube.

You have to remember, when the club would close, it was never very pretty. A lot of men who had been up all night did not look so good in the light of the morning sun (and the club usually did not close to 8 or so, so it was not even the early morning sun).

As a result, there was a lot of scurrying going on when the lights went on. People got to their cars as quickly as they could and put their sunglasses on.

For some reason, I had been slower than most that morning, so that is when I say the lube just sitting there by the trash can and thought, well, I thought Christmas present in July.

Having said that, given your prolific accomplishments, I am just very surprised it too you so long to finish it. I mean, it was just ONE box. It only had a thousand or so of those little lube samples. And you were, during the day, very busy with sex.

And, yes, it was the Summer of 1992.

Anonymous said...

oddly enough, that was the summer of Judi and the Sex Clinic Condoms.

Handfuls upon handfuls of condoms were stuffed into my purse at my college clinic. Yes, they were free and like you, I handed them out left and right. I was the "go to" girl if you needed one at any given party.

Used the last one in 1995, when my husband and I met.

Kind of fitting.

Anonymous said...

Yes, i have a single tube of pride lube on display in the MKF wing of my keepsakes museum..

btw, i'm curious.. i wonder if you still have the little keepsake i left you shortly after we first met..

Not that i would want them back or anything like that, seeing i don't wear underwear anymore.. just curious is all..

can't wait to see you this week!


mkf said...

noblesavage: what you have to remember is, often as not, we ended up at their place, and most self-respecting bottoms back then had their own supplies.

"condom judi." yeah--has a nice ring to it.

yhm: they're in a very safe place, don't worry ;)

and i've missed you too.

willam said...

bottoms should byoL