Sunday, September 14, 2008

like i have something to say that's different from everybody else's blatherings on the subject

but has that ever stopped me before? of course not, so let's begin.

1. first, i'm a little surprised that several very bright people have taken my initial assessment of sarah palin as some kind of endorsement. all i ever said was, she is who she is, and always has been, in a way that her opponent can't even begin to approach. i stand by that assessment.

2. and yeah, i said "her opponent," because in case you haven't yet realized this, her opponent is not joe biden [hell, if russia hadn't invaded georgia the week before the light-on-foreign-policy (among other things) democratic nominee had to make his vp pick, mr. blowhard bank-owned senate-foreign-relations-committee-chairman with his bad hair plugs, capped teeth and prior dismissal of the head of the ticket wouldn't have even been in the running]--make no mistake: this race is palin v. obama.

3. the other thing i said back then was, she's not gonna be taken down by scandals, and i stand by that one too. troopergate? so she fires people who cross her--everybody in power does, and nobody gives a rat's ass. she was for pork before she was against it? again, nobody but the liberals cares. she shoots wolves from helicopters? wow, guns and helicopters--sounds manly to me; can you imagine the effete obama nutting up enough to do something like that?

4. and now for the family crap--and this is what really slays me: watching the liberal shitstorm of holier-than-thou condemnation because palin's public family-values stance doesn't jibe with the private train-wreck reality of her actual family life. and understand: these are the same people who ten years ago just as shrilly admonished us that whatever shambles bill clinton made of his private life should be between him and his family, and had absolutely nothing to do with his ability to run the country. fuckin' two-faced hypocritical assholes, all of you!

5. but what really chaps me about this is, the reason this woman's family is a mess is because she did exactly what the liberal feminists who are today so loudly denouncing her fuckin' told her to do: she said, "fuck stay-at-home motherhood--i'm gonna go out and fulfill my professional destiny as a woman and let my kids fend for themselves." and now, big surprise--her son's a drug addict, her daughter's a pregnant slut and she has a troubled marriage.

6. the thing is--and the reason this is not only not gonna hurt her with the electorate, but probably help her--is that her family is pretty much just like every other fucked-up family in america today, and for pretty much the same reasons; hell, the only thing missing is the divorce and remarriages.

7. but what really, really kills me is, all of the foregoing is sideshow stuff, and has absolutely nothing to do with the substance of why this woman is so totally, completely and disastrously wrong for the job she may well be called upon to do.

8. why is it that my countrymen--both left and right--are these days so easily willing to cast the fate of their country into the hands of telegenic, charismatic people whose primary career accomplishment is glib mastery of the teleprompter?

whoever said it was right--we get the government we deserve.

[h/t to april for the above image]


Anonymous said...

I agree with you guttermorality that much of Sarah Palin's private life just does not matter: Whatever the hypocrisy of a woman who says she is 100 percent pro-life and then gives her hippie named daughter the "choice" to carry the baby and marry the hockey father. It is a good tawdry US magazine story, but really does not matter for her fitness for office.

But, I do think some of the things Sarah Palin has done in public office are worth taking a look at. For example, firing the librarian of her little small town when the librarian would not ban some books she wanted to ban -- and then reversing course when the outcry got too hot. That seems fair game. It also kinda sorta tells you what you are dealing with.

I watched the first night of Sarah Palin's interview with Charles Gibson.

The best thing I can say about Palin is that she appears to be enthusiastic.

But can she step in to the job of President should something happen to the 72 year old guy (who would be over 80 by the end of his second term) with malignant skin cancer?

I just thought she was in WAY over her head.

So, IMHO, Palin is just basically unfit for the national ticket. She does not seem smart enough and she certainly isn't knowledgeable enough to step into the Presidency.

Maybe this view will get some credence after the hype calms down. Maybe not.

mkf said...

noblesavage: oh, i think many of the issues i mentioned in this post are worthy of exploration; my points were (a) other than the libs, the american voter certainly doesn't seem to care about any of 'em, and (b) they're not even in my top five reasons why this ol' gal scares the shit outta me.

the book-banning issue, however, is--i mean, with a mentality like that, can you imagine the kinds of judicial and justice-department picks she'd make?

i could go into all my reasons for deeming her wildly unfit for office, but there are already any number of thoughtful folks out there doing a much better job of exploring those issues than i ever could--anything further along those lines i could say here would be lamely redundant by comparison.

this was just a little exploration of thoughts i've had for awhile that i hadn't seen expressed elsewhere.

LMB said...

Though this is great fodder and picket fence gossip with all that's concerned - it is obvious with out a doubt and for so many goddamn reasons that McCain doesn't stand a whiff of a chance - we all know who the next Commander in Chief is going to be. Just as 2+2=4, up is down, Tom Cruise is wacky - Obama is it, no guessing, no debating, no arguement. Far far far way to many people want this - and for the first time in twelve years, I'm gonna vote. And I'm votin' fer the colored guy...

LMB said...

Oh and yes, the above has nothing to do about your post - but, it's as political as I enjoy it.

mkf said...

luis: you may be right, muchacho, but i don't think it's anywhere near slam-dunk status at this point.