Saturday, August 9, 2008

so while everybody else is oohing and aahing

i'm thinking about the breathtaking, spectacularly choreographed war these fuckers are gonna throw for us one of these days.


Anonymous said...

China will not have to fire a shot. They will simply sell off the $1 trillion in cash reserves in dollars they have all in a single day causing chaos in world exchange markets and a U.S. economic crisis. But, then, the Saudis and other 'friendly' oil producing nations might just come to our rescue. I'm not sure who I would prefer 'cause they are both not on my short list of favorite nations.

mkf said...

noblesavage: of course you're right--we'll go down not with a bang but with a whimper, and probably for just the reason you state--but that's not where my head was friday night.

what i kept coming back to while i watched that awesome spectacle was: here in america we agonize over 3,000 casualties over the course of a five-year war, while these bastards could dress a million such obedient automatons in finery such as we saw that night, march 'em off amid similar pomp and circumstance to wreak havoc and die--and not bat an eye.

this post was just meant to serve as an example of where my mind goes even when i'm supposed to be enjoying myself--which, btw, is one of the reasons i drink.

Anonymous said...

Ah, MKF, you forget the bomb, my dear, which (thank God) could indeed bomb them back to the stone age in an instant. Us too, but, that gives us about a week to tidy up our affairs.

LMB said...

"War is Peace"
"Freedom is Slavery"
"Ignorance is Strength"

As in the state of the world with China, North Korea, Middle East, and the affairs of our own passive/aggresive police state - I too keep a sharp eye on these things. Damn, I wish I never read that book. I wish I was 'Parsons' - just accepting everything because that's the way things are.

mkf said...

blindman: this is true--there's always the bomb. but i don't see any of the "civilized" nations who possess such a weapon to bypass conventional warfare just yet.

luis: i don't believe you--i bet you'd take awareness and its concomitant misery over blissful stupidity every time.