Sunday, August 10, 2008

it really is all in the head

believe it or not, several years ago i co-founded the very first "coming-out" group in the history of the los angeles gay and lesbian center, a fact astonishing not so much because i actually took on shit like that back then, as because--up until i did something about it--the city of los angeles had never before had such a group.

why was i moved to do such a thing? simple: having just come from san diego, i couldn't believe that the much-bigger los angeles didn't have a comparable coming-out group.

finding this unacceptable, i worked with a sympathetic facilitator at the LA center (sweet lil' norm--i hope you're doing ok wherever you are) to form its first-ever coming-out group.

yay for me, right?

nah, that isn't the point of this post; it's merely the background for what is to follow (but being drunk and therefore overly loquacious, i had to give you the context first).

*     *     *     *     *

he crept into the room one tuesday night, right before the group started--young, timid and scared--a prime example of my target coming-out demographic.

and of course everybody cued into him immediately, because (a) he was adorable; and (b) unlike half the guys in the room who had been out for years and were only "coming out" in order to try and pick off the newbies (acceptable practice, this being LA and all), this one was obviously new to the game.

he sat in a corner, said nothing throughout the two hours we were there, and slipped out the door as soon as i said we were done.

but he was back the next tuesday, and the tuesday after that.

and finally--i think it was maybe his fourth time there--he caught my eye during a lull in the give-and-take, half-raised his hand, i looked back at him, smiled encouragingly and said, "hey, you. tell us what's on your mind--we won't bite, i promise."

all eyes turned toward him, and he did as i asked.

turns out his name was colin, he was an 18-year-old freshman at ucla, living in a dorm--and, of all things, he was in love with his roommate.

at which point we all relaxed--because we'd all heard this so many times before--and got ready to offer him the standard never-fall-for-a-straight-guy advice.

until little colin came back at us with somewhat compelling evidence that the object of his fervid dreams might actually want him just as much--shit like, roommate lying uncovered on his bed in just his underwear, eyes half-slitted shut feigning sleep, legs spread and a semi-hard-on oozing precum through the sheer, thin cotton of his skivvies--you know, that sorta thing.

at which point this became our group's collective fantasy, and we all joined together to unite colin with his ultimate desire.

[end part 1 because it's getting late/early and i have to be at work soon; you'll get part 2 next time i'm shitfaced enough to continue this story]


Anonymous said...

Lovely. Pique my interest and run away.


Story of my life with boys.

Anonymous said...

Well, now you are going to blog about other people's stories.

I do remember this tale spoken more or less contemporaneously to its events. It is, as I remember, a compelling story.

My suggestion is, as always, that you relate it somehow back to you. 'Cause if you are blogging, you are talking about yourself or at least your view of the world.

If you are not doing that, then you are, gasp, a writer. There is a difference.

Will said...

Coming-Out-Story tease!

mkf said...

judi: i'm not sure, but you're definitely my only female commenter--and, as always, thanks for that.

noblesavage: don't worry, it'll all come back around to me--i am a blogger after all ;)

will: i actually intended to spit this one out whole; i just...ran outta steam all of a sudden.

Anonymous said...

you are welcome. I do love it here--I feel like I'm home, and you've always been warm and inviting (even The Gentle Savage took to me when I said less than particularly nice things, so there's that too).

I suspect that any other women who check out your blog are actually friends of mine. No, really. I've linked you before on my space.

Now finish this freaking story, would ya? Pleeeeaaaasssseeee?!?!?!