Thursday, July 10, 2008

to jesse jackson: thank you, thank you, thank you

it was shaping up to be a grim, cheerless week--iran testing their missiles, russia rattling their sabers, the senate wiping its collective ass with the bill of rights, southern california poised to go up in flames at any moment--it seemed like every story that broke did nothing but contribute to my growing malaise.

then the right reverend jackson, god love him, with one semi-whispered aside that he assumed the mics wouldn't catch, turned everything around and gave me something to laugh about this week after all--because god knows that in this day and age of spin, hype and subterfuge, nothing cheers me up more than when some phony asshole's public mask slips and we get a glimpse of what's really underneath.

and he confirmed something i've believed for a long time: while barack obama might be beloved by the people, he is highly resented by the "blame whitey for everything" faction of the black leadership in this country, because he's preaching a dangerous new gospel that threatens to end the gravy train they've been riding for the last 40 years.

imagine--barack is going into black churches and talking to black crowds, and telling them that the key to their future is for black families to unite, black fathers to go home and raise their kids, and black mothers to stress learning over entertainment in the home--in other words, they actually have the power within themselves to change their situation.

and, to jesse jackson's mind, this constitutes "talking down" to black people, and is deserving of (at least figurative) castration.

really, reverend?

because, see, i've always considered your message--you know, the "it's not your fault; you're victims of a racist system" rationale you use to explain away any and all of the problems of african-american society--to be "talking down" to black people. i mean, i know it must be comforting to hear that others are to blame for all your problems, but consider the implications of that message: what "you can't succeed because the system's holding you down" really means is, "you're powerless and beholden to the superior white man, and you will never succeed until he does the right thing and gives you the jobs, education and money you deserve."

talk about perpetuating victimhood.

well, you've had a good run, jesse--you were able to shrewdly parlay your association with dr. king into a very lucrative gig shaking down big corporations for white-guilt money, and in the process feathered your nest nicely and lived high. but guess what? it's not 1968 anymore, and barack has figured that out--which is only one of the reasons he's drawing the huge crowds and ascending to heights you could only dream of.

and boy, you hate him for that, don't you?


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

The good reverend's 'semi-whispered aside' was actually funnier than when dubya thought his mike was turned off, leaned over to Cheney and called that guy from the new york times 'a major league asshole'.

btw, i'm surprised the rev. al sharpton hasn't flapped his trap about this incident yet. Perhaps he's being smart and keeping it shut..?

but then again, the night is young..

mkf said...

kelly: right?

yhm: here's the thing about al sharpton: unlike jesse, he's gotten smarter as he's gotten older, so i doubt we'll hear a peep outta him on this issue.

oh, and i miss ya.