Saturday, May 24, 2008

i woulda given my left nut to be a fly on the wall when michele obama first saw this story, all i'm sayin

here's three possibilities:

1. tail-end of a long, exhausting, losing campaign, sometimes the mask slips and the real thought process peeks out (because you know damn well they've talked about this in hillaryland--"if all else fails, maybe we'll get lucky and somebody'll get off a good shot at that uppity motherfucker").

2. yet one more example of the everything-but-the-kitchen-sink ethos that is the hallmark of all things clinton: since nothing else has worked, how about "i'm a better long-term bet because i'm less likely to be assassinated"?

3. any headline's better than no headline (because, seriously, would anybody have been talking about her today otherwise?).

whatever--tell you the truth, her motives don't matter; what matters is, i have laughed for the last two days over this story and the resultant uproar, and it looks like it's only gonna get better.

thanks, hillary--i needed this.


Anonymous said...


I'm guessing that Michelle looked and sounded like Rev. Jeremiah Wright in full off-the-meds-and-out-of-therapy mode.

mkf said...

hubbard: don't you just know it ;)