Monday, May 19, 2008

another plug

so i've been reading this blog for awhile, written by a guy by the name of steven barnes who, by all accounts, is pretty accomplished in a number of disciplines. while i could go on about him, better you should just click over and spend a little time there--you'll either resonate with him or you won't.

i read him because he (a) writes really well, (b) has a fine and demonstrably open mind, and (c) seems to have come closer to achieving that rare quality of balance than most anybody i personally know--and this comes across very clearly not only in his posts, but (if you take the time to read between the lines) in his life as well.

(and i'd put him on my blogroll except that, being straight, married-with-kids and in his mid-50s, he'd probably look upon a permanent plug by the likes of me in much the same way as would, say, barack obama a full-page new york times endorsement by louis farrakhan--so as my ultimate gift to him, i'll spare him that.)

anyway, check him out--you like me, chances are you'll love him.

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