Wednesday, December 19, 2012

from the guttermorality mailbag

comes what has to be, if for no other reason than its unusual absence of words like "racist", "asshole" and "quisling", my all-time favorite reader email:

so on some entry that you had half your address mailing thing scanned in, i searched for hours on facebook for people with those initials and i thought your last name was flores for some reason. so this one guy i found actually started texting me and we met up after i was thinking it was you cause i asked if he had a blog and he said yes (i shoulda asked which blog, but i'm remedial like that). made out a little, found out he was the opposite of hung (and not you) and i rolled out on him.

i figure it's ok to put this up because it's been awhile and i don't think he comes here anymore.  goddam stalkers--so fickle.


Will said...

That gave me a laugh, because you and Facebook was one combination I would never have thought of.

mkf said...

will: ah, you know me well.