Saturday, June 23, 2012

if you watch only one commencement address this year, make it this one

i am a pigeonholer, a stereotyper, a disciple of pattern recognition and hard, unpleasant truth.

post-2008, i divided the pundits and leaders of the world into two simple categories:  those who saw it coming and warned us, and those who didn't.

after four years of blogging and talking myself blue in the face, i have also come to divide the rest of the world into two categories:  those who look to the first group for guidance on what's coming next, and those who cannot be dissuaded from their belief that the second will lead us out of the mess they either didn't see coming or helped create.

watch this, and then tell me:  into which pigeonhole shall i place you?


toddx said...

So, he's rich now. Do you think he really cares?

noblesavage said...

Guttermorality will call me a blind faith person.

That's OK.

My faith is not blind, but is well-grounded.

Did I see it coming in 2008? Yes and no. A correction was certainly due.

What I did not expect was the government to let Lehman Brothers to go under and the whole system to freeze up after that.

There have now been trillions of dollars pumped into the system. There is still some difficulties, but the financial system is much better than it was.