Wednesday, April 25, 2012

breaking news

the hunt is over--you'll be relieved to know that, after a painstaking search, the upgrade for the ill-fated carlos 4 may have been found.

lest you dismiss this as a trivial matter, understand that not just any common, garden-variety carlos is invited to join the elite squad of signed and numbered guttermorality-grade carloses (hell, if i didn't have standards, i'd be well into double digits by now).

but this boy?  in addition to meeting and exceeding all the basic requirements, he possesses that rare, intangible je ne sais quoi that has always moved me for reasons i can't quite define.

study the following carefully, see if you can discern for yourself his subtle appeal.

and yeah i know i'm going to hell when i die--what's your point?


noblesavage said...

Ah, I do remember the one guy you picked up in the back of Gold Coast primarily because he had a child seat in the back of his station wagon.

For Will -- and anyone else that drops by for some reason -- Guttermorality has a certain thing for those that are "straight" preferably, "bi" is a distant second, and, well, for some reason it has always got you going.

You need to mention the one frat boy that you hooked up with that liked the grass on both sides of the fence.

I am sorry to hear that Carlos 4 was such a bust. But Carlos 4.1 has potential to last into Summer.

mkf said...

noblesavage: you don't understand; you have never understood.

it's not so much a straight-guy fetish as an appreciation for a guy who, by the time he falls into my clutches, has been so starved by his clueless woman for the sorta things i will do to and for him, his manly essence is reduced to quivering putty in my hands.

seriously, how can i pass that up?

Zandale said...

.......for a moment, I thought you broke a rule in the gay handbook, then I double checked (yes my town has made one) and you got through the loop-hole.

"Rule #1: No gay man or woman, whether intentionally or not, is to turn another gay unless he/she asks...."

I like loop-holes.