Monday, May 2, 2011

fuck yeah!


if you came over here today looking for my usual dark, cynical take on the day's events you're gonna be disappointed, because today i'm taking off the tinfoil hat and joining the rest of america in a long-overdue celebration.

that's right, bitches, today i'm proud of my government and i'm proud of my president--hell, i'm even proud of the goddam military-industrial complex.

i'm even happy to say that i, mkf, was wrong. about what, you ask?  allow me to explain.

see, bill clinton had several chances to get this motherfucker back in the late 90's, and, fearful of the blowback if things went to shit, cravenly pulled back at the last minute every time.  and george bush?  had him dead-to-rights in tora bora in 2001, choked, and let him slip through his fingers.  and boy, have we paid for their collective indecisiveness and timidity a thousand times over.

which is why i gotta hand it to this president and his team--i honestly didn't think he had it in him.

this was an operation that was fraught with potential peril at every level of execution--anything and everything coulda gone not only wrong, but disastrously wrong, and it would've all landed on his head.  and by god, he stepped up--or, in this case, stepped back and had the courage to allow the experts to do what they do best.   and that, as often as not, is what good presidentin' is all about.

tomorrow we'll be right back where we were yesterday. but today?  today is that rare day in guttermoralityland when mkf is proud to say something he never imagined he'd have cause to say during the course of this administration:  "kudos, mr. president--well played".

sober update:  i am already embarrassed by this post.

1 comment:

noblesavage said...

Kudos to Guttermorality for giving credit where credit is due. I waive my flag in your face. I waive it around obnoxiously as I can after drinking too much beer.

Well, all those conservatives who HATE Obama will give him credit for the next day or two. But then other things will allow them to blame him for everything else.

On the plus side, I really think this helps to seal Obama's re-election. It just shows that he's presidential material in ways that most others aren't.