Saturday, April 30, 2011

this can only end badly



toddx said...

Endless resources! Rejoice!!

Will said...

Interesting that the upswing begins with the arrival of Christianity -- obviously, the Catholic Church's rampant paranoia about sex hasn't had too much effect.

mkf said...

todd x: yeah, the resources chart looks just like this one--oh wait, i have it upside down.

will: "fuck for jesus"--always been my motto.

noblesavage said...

Well, but most demographers project the peaking of the human population at 9.5 billion and then declining by 2100.

There is something called "demographic transition" when a country moves from high birth and death rates to low birth and death rates.

First, the death rate is dramatically reduced by a reduction in infant mortality by changes in health care and vaccinations.

It then takes much longer to reduce the birth rate as family size is often slow to change from 6 or 8 children to 1 or 2 children.

Most of the developing countries have not yet fully transitioned, which is why there continues to be such a dramatic spike in population.

On the other hand, parts of Europe are experiencing depopulation. Rural Italy, for example, has lost population. Russia has a serious depopulation issue (although related to a low average life expectancy for men).

The long term trend (over 100 years) is positive. The middle term may be a little more difficult.