Tuesday, March 16, 2010

but i can't

[inspired by tonight's tour of the gay blogsosphere--but it coulda been most any night, really]

as my long-time readers know, i spent the first 34 years of my life swimming against the stream, wishing i'd been born straight.

and then, once i finally not only reconciled myself to the fact that i was dyed-in-the-wool queer but even began to revel in the idea, i found myself in the ensuing years swimming against a different stream--namely, wishing i'd been born liberal.

because, either/or--born straight or liberal--god knows i woulda fit into my milieu, felt i belonged in my surroundings and slept so much easier all these years.

seriously, i can't tell you how much easier my gay life would be if i could just find some way to drink the kool-aid and accept without question the indisputable gospel that

(a) conservatives are by definition extremist anti-american assholes;

(b) anybody who opposes any gay-related issue for any reason is automatically a hater and a homophobe (whatever the fuck that even means);

(c) anybody who calls themselves christian is by definition a malicious, cretinous idiot beneath even discussion; and, finally

(d) liberals are in some intrinsic way more caring--and thus more noble--than everybody else.

god, sometimes i really wish i could.


noblesavage said...

But you're not Blanche, you're not.

Fine, so you don't fit in the round holes that every one else seems to.

You never have.

But, then again, neither have I.

So what?

Like Popeye, "I y'am, what I y'am."

Life is simply a matter of being who you are.

When you are OK with being neither a conservative whacko (although I sometimes try to peg you as such) or a bleeding heart liberal (whom you consider naive dolts), then you will have found your way.

mkf said...

noblesavage: thanks for commenting so thoughtfully on a post that didn't deserve it.

WAT said...

You're more tormented than I am!


mkf said...

wat: if you only knew.