Thursday, February 11, 2010


[don't ask where this one came from--couldn't possibly be the vodka]

the grownups used to tell endless stories about that brief period in mkf's early childhood when he insisted on having a washcloth or dishrag on his head at all times--none of 'em could figure it out, but they all agreed it was hilarious.

i've since debated whether i should tell my mother it was probably just my inner girl tryin to come out, but decided instead to let her cling to whatever's left of her illusions.

but here's the message for the rest of you who still don't get it:  we are born, not made.

sober update:  just for balance, here's one from the same roll in which mkf is obviously workin his inner boi:

and yes i was sweet, dammit.


Anonymous said...

Dude, I've said it before and I"ll say it again, nobody blogs like you do.

noblesavage said...

Well...the February 1059 caption on the side is is your very determined frown.

Yes, you were born pretty much a serious child.

Will said...

That's just marvelous. Any hold-overs into adulthood? a fondness for hats, or an aversion to hats?

mkf said...

anonymous: thanks for that (i think).

noblesavage: yeah, i neglected to crop that pic for a reason.

will: nothing's left--no distinctive apparel, no jewelry, no facial hair ever, no tattoos. mkf's physical manifestation is today as bland and blank a slate as he can manage to make it.