Tuesday, January 6, 2009

guy could get a complex

came across this tonight while clearing out old drunken shit i wrote last year that didn't make the cut--tonight, though, it made me laugh, so it's going in.

guy responds to my ad, drawn by the X pic, of course. preliminary negotiations ensue and face pics are exchanged, after which he comes back at me with, "you SURE that's your dick?",  the unavoidable implication being that, after having done the pleasure/pain equation, he's willing to endure the face only if that's really the dick that comes with it.
good thing you get more thick-skinned as you get older, eh?

and yeah i probably fucked him, most likely from behind.


Anonymous said...

i hope you gave that piece of shit a good 'DONKEY PUNCH' before you came!!

and before you ask (altho you probably already know what it is), here's the definition from sex-wiki:

donkey punch - Having anal sex with someone and punching them in the kidney. Said to induce a clenching of the anal sphincter in the person.
Also could involve punching in the back of the neck, inducing the clenching. Very dangerous and has caused coma and death in some situations.
Lastly In Mexico, Donkey Punch is slang term for fast-paced full-force fisting..

And remember: good friends help you move.. best friends help you move the body!..

Yes, my darling.. i can be a sick fuck to when pushed!

Or maybe the 'cold turkey' is just catching up with me..

Anonymous said...


great story.

LMB said...

"Are you sure that's your dick?" Hahahaha - it's funny cause it's so true. So superficial! God, I don't miss the states!

LMB said...

"Are you sure that's your dick?" Hahahaha - it's funny cause it's so true. So superficial! God, I don't miss the states!

Will said...

I generally don't care what they look like as long s they're hot, ready to go and and clean. Interest in flip fucking a big plus.

mkf said...

yhm: [discussed privately]

judi: thanks, babe--i thought so, too

luis: i knew you'd relate to this one

will: sometimes i think you're too emotionally healthy for this blog.

Will said...

Actually, you make a point. I don't have a lot of angst--the vast majority of that got resolved when I came out, embraced the fact that I adore men and got rid of all the guilt my Cagtholic upbringing had imposed. Angst and guilt and all that aren't beneficial or productive and ZI'm well rid of them.

I do NOT, however, intend to stay away from here!