Sunday, October 19, 2008

back to politics for a minute

[this blog has of late been uncharacteristically silent on the subject of the sickening course of current events, preferring instead to find comfort in the sweet immutability of the past--but never for a second think i'm not payin attention.]

it seems mccain has finally gotten smart--realizing, belatedly, that america doesn't care about wright or ayers, he's recently taken to hitting obama where it might actually hurt by calling him out as a socialist (which, of course, he totally is).

and then, in the same speech, mccain goes on to address the problems faced by all the idiots who bought houses they couldn't afford via zero-down, adjustable-rate mortgages they lied to secure, by saying (and i hereby quote),

"We [as in you, the taxpayer] need to buy up these mortgages, give you a mortgage that you can afford, so you can pay your mortgage and realize the American Dream of owning your home."

which position, of course, isn't socialistic in the goddam motherfucking least, is it, johnny boy?

* * * * *

i cannot even begin to tell you how deeply i resent the dumbass american voting populace for putting me in the untenable position of having to choose between two assclowns who are, each in their own unique and individual way, so completely and totally unsuited to the task of leading my country outta the grave peril in which she presently finds herself.


Leslie Johnson said...

I couldnt agree more. WTF? Why do we constantly have to choose between the least of two evils ESPECIALLY now. They are both horrible.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure they are both as bad as you make them out to be.

I think the biggest part of the problem is the gross and total incompetence of GWB has left us in such a whole that there is no way anyone will be able to dig us out of it.