Wednesday, September 3, 2008

at some point you just get tired, say 'fuck it' and hit "publish"

[the following is my comment to an asshole

[and please understand: if you don't see this comment over at his site, it doesn't mean it didn't happen--it only means he's a dishonest fuckwad who didn't post it (and if you do see it over there, that only means he published it after i passed out, in which case i'll address his subsequent comment to same when i come to)]

You wanna go gloves-off, Scott? Fine; let's do it--hell, you can't hurt a drunk.

I have no doubt that, as you've taken such pains to emphasize in your most recent comment, your I.Q. has to be bigger than mine--or that you're bigger, stronger, better, more multi-lingual, handsomer and superior to me in every way imaginable--or, if it's that important to you, that your dick is bigger than mine (although i'd be willing to bet you're obsessed with the fact that it might not be, which i suspect is the real root of the problem we're running into not only with this particular post, but in your whole fucking goddam blog).

But I digress; let's get back to the instant comment. To quote from you:

"Late-breaking news [and please note that i've added the hyphen you omitted]?!"

My response: As if Sarah Palin's teenage daughter's pregnancy (or anything else they've so far come up with) is even halfway on a par with anything in Barack's past that i could come up with half-blind (but that, unfortunately, the New York Times has, as yet, deemed it unnecessary to cover in such depth as they have this fuckin' broad's background).

And further: I'd be more than willing to bet you were one of those idiots who mewled on and on way back in 1997 that Bill Clinton's personal life had nothing to do with his ability to govern; and yet--even though what we're looking at here with Palin can't even begin to touch Clinton's life in its overall level of sordidness--you're the first to jump on the bandwagon and declare her unworthy because of her continuing to work despite the fact that she's a new mother of a down-syndrome kid, her daughter's unwed pregnancy, and her husband's DUI.

And i could go on, but I'm tired, i'm drunk, and I'm ready to go to bed--so here's my point:

I've got all sorts of problems with Sarah Palin's position on this ticket, but i don't give a rat's ass about these trivialities that you and your fellow idiot liberal democrats are screaming about today--what I care about is the substance of why she's fundamentally unqualified for this office. Do me a favor and get back to that at some point, would you?

And as for your point about the fact that i comment drunk:

(1) Yeah, i was drunk back then and I'm drunk now--what's your goddam point? Because

(2) you and your pathetic arguments remind me of that old w.c. fields bit which goes as follows (and yes, i'm paraphrasing a little here, but you fuckin' asked for it):

"yeah, i may be drunk, but you're an asshole. i'll be sober tomorrow, but you'll be an asshole the rest of your goddam life."

(2) Even drunk and with one hand tied behind my back, i'm better than 99.9% of the lame-ass commenters to your fucking blog who (presumably) comment sober (and if the past is any indication of the future, I always will be);

(3)Yeah, I\ve apologized profusely for prevous comments. But here's what you've apparently never gotten, Scott: what i've always apologized for in the past has been my drunken effrontery and impulsive disrespect to a blogger i once (maybe just because i was a fuckin' naive idiot) highly respected.

But that's all; understand:

(4) I've never for one moment apologized for what i actually posted--are you fuckin kidding me? Because, here's the deal, Scott, my buddy, my pal: what i always apologized for, was--as i tend to do when i'm drunk--throwing out too much goddam truth.

(5) And, as I believe I also threw out to you once (and as, having been a blogger for lo these eight months, i'm totally in a position to attest), i'd give my left nut for a commenter on my own site who gave me even a tenth of what i once gave you.

(6) And the fact that to this day you shit on me and crush me under you heel? I'm philosophical; i look at it like that old Steely Dan song--"the things you think are useless I don't understand."

(7) And if you don't wanna paragraph this comment--or even publish it--don't worry--i'll make sure it's given proper justice (and punctuation) on my blog (like even a tenth of the readers on your site will ever see it there, but whatever)

(8) And, trust me, i will never, EVER comment on your goddam blog again

(9) unless, of course, i'm sufficiently shitfaced to do so; and

(10) you're sufficiently inclined to allow it.

(11) love ya, mean it.

GOD, I love blogging.


Scott said...

Anonymous said...

Why are you flaming up a storm on this guy?

Your original comment was about Sarah Palin.

Scott wrote a rather personal response that did not much to do with your point: that Palin was genuine and had been consistent in her life and in her convictions.

I may disagree with your point, but I'm not sure disparaging your drinking habits counts as an argument for or against Palin (or McCain).

I do not need mean to get involved, but it is also hard to take political commentary seriously when there is an ad for gay porn a couple of inches from the comments with some guy flouting his ass in some suggestive pose (on the other hand, "The Deep End" seems more interesting than you guys hurling potshots at each other).

mkf said...

looking at his blog right now, noblesavage, i can totally understand why you don't get my outrage.

believe it or not, there was a time when i once really respected this guy.

what can i say? old habits are hard to break.