Monday, July 21, 2008

baby's first sick joke

[sometimes the mere act of writing a post is all it takes to initiate a chain of thought that whistles through the twisted windmills of my mind in just such a way as to unearth a long-dormant memory and thus trigger the next post; such turned out to be the case here.

the following story, though maybe not 100% accurate in its details (because it's been awhile), is close enough to the truth for me to comfortably present it as such.]

* * * * *

new years' eve (or thereabouts), 1963.

my parents throw a holiday party.

i'm supposed to be in bed along with my brother and sister; instead and true to my nature, i'm up and discreetly roaming the periphery of the action--soaking up the heady ambiance, avoiding capture, scanning for intelligence.

in the kitchen i spot my mother's best friend, laverne ash (always a source of interest) laughing uproariously with another neighbor over something or other, and i make it my mission to find out what. this isn't a woman who laughs much, so it's gotta be good.

mrs. ash and i are natural adversaries. barren and childless, she is uneasy around children and has always resented my tendency to eavesdrop upon adult conversations (she calls me "ears"); i, on the other hand, have always resented her ongoing efforts to thwart my innate need to know everything.

this night, i watch her light a tareyton and open another pabst blue-ribbon

proper and impeccably-groomed as she invariably was, mrs. ash was also ex-military--when she drank, she drank beer from the can with a dash of salt from the shaker she carried with her onto the lid preceding each sip 

and when she's in mid-gulp and thus distracted, i sidle into the kitchen and squeeze between the table and the wall, right behind her. perfect.

until she says, without turning around, "you think i don't know you're back there, ears, but i do--i always do."


"get your nosy little ass out from behind that table," she barks in that clipped voice she reserves only for me, "and into bed where you belong."

normally that'd be enough--i'd be off like a shot.  but not tonight.

"no." i boldly reply. "i wanna know what was so funny that it made you laugh like that."

maybe it's the alcohol, or maybe she's finally had enough of me; whatever--she sets her beer down, turns fully around, reaches across the table, grabs a handful of pajamas, pulls me close, and--eye to eye, nose to nose, teeth bared and nostrils trailing cigarette smoke--says, "you really want to know?"

i breathlessly reply yes, she hisses, "fine. what did jackie kennedy got for christmas, ears?"

i can only gaze back at her, frozen. she smiles, her eyes narrow and through clenched teeth she sneers a punch line i'm sure she figures i'll never understand

"a jack-in-the-box"*

then shoves me back against the wall, lets go, says, "happy now, you little sneak?"

well, hell yeah i am. once the nickel drops--and to her astonishment and clear discomfiture--i start laughing uncontrollably.

this naturally gets my mother's attention. she drifts over, says, "mkf, what are you doing up and what's so funny?"

i shriek, "she got a jack-in-the-box, ma!"

"laverne! dear god, you didn't tell him that awful joke, did you?"
but she had, and pandora's box was open.

* as tasteless as it might have been, this was merely the first "gift for jackie" joke (the second being: what did ari give jackie as a wedding present? answer: an antique organ).


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

similar exchange between my second grade teacher and i..

ms. filmore: Victor, would you like to be office monitor this week?

me: Does Rose Kennedy own a black dress?

The look on her face: priceless.

LMB said...

It's the Summer of Comedy.

Anonymous said...

Well, I hate to be the bearer of reality here, but...

Guttermorality, you were called "ears" because your ears are the size of small cars. This had nothing to do with your eavesdropping, although you missed a career in government.

mkf said...

judi: in today's context, nah--it's not that funny or even that shocking. but the joke wasn't really the point of this one.

yhm: that one also originated in texas, i think ;)

luis: nope--just another piece of my past.

Anonymous said...

I know the joke wasn't the point, but it was groanworthy nonetheless.

Am working on twink pics for you.

Damn he's hot.

And young.

(see, it really is all about me.)

Anonymous said...

Judi -- Waiting on pictures of your new boytoy. I am so jealous. I want a new boytoy.

As for guttermorality, a question, What do you think of Obama's oversees trip?

I heard on the news that Jordan's King Hussein flew all night from Denver to meet personally and have a state dinner for Obama (makes you wonder why they just did not arrange a time to meet in Denver or Cleveland or something).

Well, your last thread also brought to mind a couple of guys you knew better than me: Royce and his not well nicknamed friend from Austin, Lucky. Whatever happened to Royce's boyfriend Barry as well? Just askin.

mkf said...

noblesavage: as to your first question, i think it's only serving to further inflate an already dangerously over-inflated ego; as for your second, pick up any issue of frontiers and you'll find his ad offering therapy to troubled homosexuals everywhere (and from the looks of the picture he's using, he hasn't aged a bit in 15 years).

Anonymous said...

I'm working on it, Savage One.

And you can have my new boytoy--adorable as he may be, we'll never get together. I still lack the right equipment, lol.


Vera Charles said...

Loved it lovie. My "Mrs A." was Evelyn Hastings. She smoked one after the other and was so tanned that she looked like a long dead, sun-dried sea turtle.

Jackie OH NO kisses,