Wednesday, June 4, 2008

we now return to our regularly-scheduled programming

[as promised, the first in a series of sure-fire ways to guarantee enough bad sex you'll be on viagra in no time (because i just know everybody's been on pins and needles waiting). if you just got here, you might wanna read this post first.]

1. tricking down*

i've done it, you've done it, we've all done it.


(1) you're out at a bar, it's late, you're horny (or just determined), you've long since mentally separated all the possibles from the furniture**, but now you realize the possibles have all left with each other and the place is looking like a levitz showroom at the tail-end of a fire sale so you figure what the fuck, turn and offer a reluctant smile to the borderline-annoying guy who's been trying to catch your eye all night and in whose company you normally wouldn't be caught dead (hey, maybe nobody'll see you leave with him)


(2) you're online trolling the hook-up sites and this guy on manhunt who's hit you up repeatedly tries yet one more time and, even though you wouldn't look twice at him any other day, catches you at a weak moment


(3) maybe you're hanging out with a friend who's had an unrequited crush on you for forever, the two of you get a little drunk, one thing leads to another and next thing you know...

whatever--the way it happens doesn't really matter; the point is, if you're out there in the trenches enjoying all that sex that is the birthright of every gay man goddammit, chances are you're gonna have your own "i'm horny; he'll do for now" moment and find yourself rolling around naked with someone you know from the get-go you're really not that into sexually.

and hell, why not? conventional wisdom would say there's all kinds of reasons to take what you can get: (1) it's easy; (2) guy's usually enthusiastic; and (3) no first-time jitters--since you don't really care what the guy thinks of you, you can relax and go with it in a way that's often not possible with a new guy you're actually hot for.

and sometimes you get a pleasant surprise and the sex turns out to be really good; more often, however, you end up either regretting the decision (either during or after), or having to close your eyes and think of someone or something else just to get off.

and the long-term downside risk of tricking down? well, here's the thing: it's like murder--it gets easier after the first time.

and once you start down the road of sleeping with the furniture, you're well on your way to mastering that skill at which so many gay men excel--the neat little trick of separating sex from passion.

* the act of hooking up with either a perceived sexual inferior or someone to whom you're not attracted.

** any person or group of people one encounters in a social or sexual setting in which one takes little or no interest.

next: tricking up.


Anonymous said...

although the terminology may be different, we (or maybe it really is just me) tend to do the same thing in the hetero world.

Beer goggles, I think it's called, or possibly desperation.

It happened far less often in S. Florida then it does out here in Austin. Of course I'm the newbie in town so I generally jump at the chance for carnal attention.

Ask me about the toupee dude sometime.

Anonymous said...

Beer goggles is possibly related, yeah. But this is more like fatigue - or maybe cum-goggles? You know, sometimes I guy really just wants to get his nut and after a while the jizz just goes to his head. I think literally.

Anonymous said...

ROFLMAO--thanks for explaining it to me a bit more in depth, AA.

I don't know that I can equate anything to that...humping my pillow, perhaps?

Anonymous said...

My first experience with what you are describing was at my senior prom where everyone...and I mean EVERYONE was looking to go and it pretty much did not matter (at first) that you went with someone you had nothing in common with. It sure did as that night wore on.

Look, I think tricking down can be awful if you handle poorly. If you are nice and give the schlub some modicum of respect and dignity, it usually goes fine and you get your nut off and you are done.

If you treat the schlub like he should be happy to lick your feet (metaphorically, not literally 'cause there are lots of guys who get turned on by that and would jump at the chance), well, then, you get what you deserve.

If you are going to do the nasty, you at least have to recognize there is another person in the room and work with it.

I have been in situations where I tricked way beyond my league and the guy was an asshole and it was not you have that too. It is all the same: treat your trick with some respect and it makes the ride go a lot smoother.

(I am pre-commenting upon your tricking up post).

LMB said...

Should I be jotting down notes?

Anonymous said...


More sex, less notes.

mkf said...

judi: i'm always up for a good toupee story

atari: yeah, we've all been there.

noblesavage: i dunno--i think lots of people are much more susceptible to the cumulative negative effect of sex with people who don't turn them on than they realize. in fact, i see it all the time.

luis: yeah babe, this post was tailor-made for your naive and delicate little sensibilities.