Thursday, March 13, 2008

uh oh

both fox news and abc have bought the rights to a number of speeches and sermons by the rev. jeremiah wright--you know, barack's billy graham, and the guy whose seeming devotion to louis farrakhan had gotten my attention awhile back.

well, turns out i was worried with good reason--i got to hear a little of the good reverend's rhetoric earlier this afternoon and let me tell you, he's scary as hell. about three minutes was all i either needed to hear or could take, and the thought of enduring one of his sermons is inconceivable. and tell you the truth, i have to wonder about anyone who could not only sit through seventeen years of them but embrace their author to the degree to which obama has--and what effect a long-term steady diet of such virulently anti-white rhetoric has had on his world view.

i'm tellin you folks, these sound bites are gonna hit white middle-america like a ton of bricks--i can't believe hillary hasn't gotten this stuff out there before now, because rev. jeremiah wright makes willie horton look like small potatoes.


Anonymous said...

There will be claims, no doubt, of "how dare Clinton allow this to come out. Now the GOP will have ammo in the general."

Which is, of course, ass-backwards. This whole "don't play hard with my candidate choice, he's too fragile!" is unbelievable stupid, considering the known behavior of the true opposition.

They should be glad it's coming out now. The Obama campaign better learn - now - how to deal with this. Because if they do win the nomination and if this *had* been kept under the rug, only a fool would think the GOP wouldn't pull it out at just the right (wrong) time.

mkf said...

yeah, atari, you're right--sean hannity is already having a field day with these clips, and i don't think we've even scratched the surface yet.

my concern is, if there's enough out there to torpedo obama with a fair amount of white/jewish voters, i'd like it to come out before hillary's outta the race--otherwise, dr. strangelove mccain is gonna get a ticket to the whitehouse.

Anonymous said...

I'm celebrating here already . My friend and I have been expecting this to blow up for a while now and i think breaking this early will help start the uneasiness and gain momentum for both hillary and mccain . This will help fuel more in-fighting because Hillary cannot at all let this go un-capitalized so she's going to go hard core for it in a subtle way . I can't wait to see the in-fighting ; this is great news all around !

mkf said...

ah, byzantine boy, thriving on turmoil as always ;)

Anonymous said...

You'd best be careful (ha!) with what you say to the angry dude over at BillinExile.

You'll find yourself firmly stuck in the "banned" section with the likes of me. :::grin:::

Way to stick it to him, man.

Anonymous said...

But Obama repudiated all those comments. Didn't you see his interviews and his actual post on (the place to which all bloggers aspire?)?

You say it is damaging, but do not elaborate enough. It is damaging because Obama's whole message is to change the tone, to bring black and white together. And then he goes to church with a racial separatist bomb thrower.

This is, if you will, the real part of the Obama campaign. He has used surrogates to talk to black voters and intimidate black politicians supporting Hillary and then used entirely different language to talk to white voters. While that is no different from any other politician, that's the point. Obama promises he is a different kind of politician. He is not.

The fact that people believe the platitudes he has thrown up just amazes me. One guy is going to change the tone in Washington and bring Republicans and Democrats together? Wasn't that George "I'm a uniter, not a divider" W. Bush's talking point in 2000?

So now people are shocked that the guy is just a regular politician. The problem with Obama's campaign has always been that the agent of change, turn the page, we are going to do it different, message of hope and inclusion is a fundamentally dishonest message. It's a fairy tale (to quote Bill Clinton).

That he has managed to hold the whole thing together for so long just amazes me.

mkf said...

judi: you have no idea how many times i've posted some drunken bombastic comment over at scott's and tiptoed back the next day wondering if that was the one that would get me excommunicated or not--my idea of livin on the edge, i guess, but i enjoy the back-and-forth. so what got you shitcanned?

realmenforhillary: it's true; i haven't yet detailed my problems with obama's close affiliation with this nutjob, nor have his weak protestations assuaged my concerns--in fact, if anything, i'm more concerned. more to come, though.

and yeah, as i have pointed out here and elsewhere, he's definitely used the whole black thing to his advantage in a way that people are just now starting to understand. shame all of this couldn't have come to light earlier.

Anonymous said...

MKF: I was the "J" in question during the whole Jonah Goldberg/Liberal Fascism throwdown. Apparently being a female moderate (who has a brain and stands up to the big bad gay daddy) will indeed get one shitcanned.

mkf said...

ah, i remember. yeah, i stayed outta that one, having never heard of jonah goldberg up to then.

see, judi, here's the thing if you're a moderate up against an ideologue of either stripe: all you can do, really, is make your strongest case in your first comment while realizing you're gonna have no impact on the views of the blog's author. and then when he responds telling you you're fulla shit as he inevitably will, you have to just drop it--with either a clever rejoinder or no return comment at all, but either way you have to let the argument go, with the knowledge you made your point and it's out there for everybody to see and make up their own minds about.

but if you push it beyond that initial exchange, it's just gonna get ugly. trust me, i've found this out the hard way--and so, it would seem, have you.

now if, on the other hand, the blogger in question is another moderate, you can generally argue back and forth with one of those all goddam day, no harm no foul.

which here, btw, you are cordially invited to do.

Anonymous said...

Wise words, darlin. I look forward to intelligent throw-downs with you.

I will not; however, partake in your love of "drugstore" vodka and 7-up. You should switch it up and try Bawls next time.

Scott said...

Except Judi that the reason you were shitcanned, as you so charmingly put it, from posting comments is because your comments were inchoherent, semi-moronic and totally dishonest.

Recall if you will that your very first comment in the thread in question took me to task for, as you put it, "missing the entire point of Goldberg's book" Liberal Facism and then telling me to do a little more research on it because I obviously didn't understand what the author had written.

THEN, after my response to you where I pointed out that I had, you know, actually read the entire book from cover to cover you admitted that you hadn't even read a single page! But that(and this is where you demonstrated a mind bending ability at incoherence)you had read what other people had written about the book -- reviews and such -- and therefore knew that you were correct in your assumptions even though, you know, you'd never opened the book itself!

Inchoherence AND dishonesty definitely, but I take back the part where I said your comments were semi-moronic. They were entirely moronic Judi and I see by the ones you've left here that absolutely nothing has changed.

Anonymous said...

Blah, blah, blah.

You're showing mind-bending maturity by chasing me down and taunting (me like a kid in a schoolyard) on someone else's blog.

It's nice to see you haven't changed either, Scott.

mkf said...

judi: having not followed the comments on this issue, i didn't realize you had challenged him on a book he'd read and you hadn't--never a winning strategy, babe, but especially not when going up against this one.

scott: even if she had read the book, you still woulda told her she was full of shit--maybe not shitcanned, but full of shit nonetheless.

Scott said...

Not true Mike -- As you yourself know quite well, just because you have an opinion that I may find stupid won't get you shitcanned or even really called out as being full of shit. OK, I'll tell you you're full of shit but lets be real here, some of your own comments have been deeply idiotic and you still post comments.

And for the record Judi NEVER got banned. Thats her own fucked up take on what happened and just like her original comment that kicked all this off COMPLETELY DISHONEST!

I did tell her she was a twit and an asshole for picking and continuing a multi comment fight with someone on a subject that she purported to have knowledge about when, in fact, she had absolutely no knowledge beyond what she had heard third hand and was simply commenting to be contrary and have her voice heard.

That to me is the behavior of an asshole and deserving of whatever contempt she got heaped upon her.

And Judi, trust me girl, I'm not chasing you, you're not nearly that interesting. But when I come across someone on another blog that I read semi-regularly and who is spreading complete falsehoods about me then you can bet yer lying little britches girl that I'm gonna have something to say about that.

Anonymous said...

I wasn't, Scott? I posted a comment about Ivan's painting only to never see it materialize. I, on the whole, find your blog rather entertaining but you have a very "my view is the only view" stance when it comes to politics.

I may be lots of things, but one of them certainly is not a liar.

Mike used the term 'shitcanned,' I borrowed it.

Scott said...

My view is the only view when it comes to what I post on the main page of the blog where I tend toward the, shall we say, strident? But others are free to express their views in my comment section and those views are every bit as valid as mine -- EXCEPT -- when they are dishonest representations as yours was. Doing that makes your view on that particular subject worthless in my eyes and should by any objective standards.

As far as your comment on the Ivan post -- I didn't see it. It probably came up in a large batch of what WordPress frequently IDs as comment spam and I probably just missed it in the moderation process. It happens.

mkf said...

1) how the hell i ever let myself get drawn into this sober i'll never know;

(2) while i may not be any great shakes as a blogger, scott, even drunk and with one hand tied behind my back i'm a better commenter on my worst day than most of the unwashed herd out there are on their very best; and, finally

(3) this little flame-war has been the most excitement we've had here at guttermorality since, well, forever--and for that, judi and scott, you both have my deep and eternal gratitude.

Anonymous said...

LOL--thanks, Mike. I don't want to speak for Scott, but I'm glad we could bring the excitement.

Scott: In the future I'll refrain from posting on the more political content. You're set in your views and I in mine and that's just the way it's going to be. We could argue this until our deaths and not have resolved anything.

As for the boys and art over at BIE, couldja look a little harder for my comments next time? Those are two subjects in which we both have undeniable expertise...

Anonymous said...

OK, so now Obama has repudiated the good pastor.

For a man who says words matter, he seems strangely ambivalent about Rev. Wright's words mattering.

mkf said...

realmen: but he wrapped himself in not merely one flag but seven--don't you believe him?