Thursday, February 14, 2008

this is getting ridiculous

just when i thought the hysteria surrounding the cult of obama had reached its peak, here comes gary hart to prove me wrong--if you can get through this without throwing up, you're a better man than me.

i'm sorry, i just don't get humanity sometimes--apparently, looks, charisma and a good line are really all it takes to be anointed leader of the free world. don't get me wrong, i'll probably end up voting for the guy too, but only because i see him as the lesser of two evils--far as i'm concerned, a vote for this untested, untried greenhorn with more than a couple of questionable connections in his background (more about that later) is nothing more or less than a blind roll of the dice.


Anonymous said...

Here here.

Finally, someone is noticing.

This cult of personality is just absurd. I do not want my political leaders to give me hope in my life, I want them to govern competently. Obama has provided no evidence that he is much interested in doing that.

If you've ever tried to talk to a true blue believer, they are impervious to reason.

And the press is not any better. Instead of being watchdogs for the public, they have become lapdogs for Obama. He has coasted through this election with glowing press -- neither objective nor fair.

It is only guttermorality that has the courage and common sense to speak up.

Anonymous said...

I think a lot of it has to do with McCain winning the nomination (or de facto winning it) . If it weren't for the fact that the front runners now look bland and the same and incapable of fixing things , many people are feeling that it's better to put their bets on the wild card instead of hedging their bets on the moderates who won't radically change the country but won't radically improve it either .

mkf said...

anonymous: yeah, that's me--beacon of truth :)

byzantine boy: yup--the rock-star syndrome strikes again.