Sunday, February 10, 2008

the mccain problem (part 2)

good ol' john mccain--noble, self-sacrificing war hero. poster boy for bipartisan cooperation. independent straight-talking maverick. everybody's favorite white-haired benevolent grandpa.

yeah, right.

to republicans, moderate democrats and independents alike, i'm begging you: please, please don't allow yourself be taken in by this asshole.

[and understand: unlike many bloggers out there, i'll willingly put forth my own personal biases before i argue why you should feel the same way i do--in fact, before i even do that i will, for the benefit of those who don't know it, present an abbreviated recap of the mccain legend in all its glory:

this was a guy who, unlike most sons of privilege in the 60s, not only willingly volunteered to serve his country in vietnam, he did so valiantly. and after not only being injured and narrowly escaping death on an aircraft carrier but flying numerous perilous missions as a navy pilot, he was shot down in 1967 and, after ejecting his seriously-injured ass outta his fatally-damaged aircraft, parachuted into the ocean, nearly drowned and was captured by the north vietnamese, who subsequently imprisoned and mercilessly tortured him.

and later, when his captors realized his daddy was a powerful admiral in the american navy and, for propaganda value, announced his capture and volunteered to release him, he essentially said "fuck you--i'll leave only when every man you're holding who was captured before me is released as well", he pretty much secured his well-deserved reputation as a true american hero.

and, for brevity's sake, i've left out lots of details of lieutenant commander mccain's rather remarkable war history--but it's all out there on the internets, and if you're of an even-minded sort, i urge you to seek it out--it's inspiring reading and it might give you some context for what's to follow.]

so with all that this guy has going for him, how could i--or any true american--possibly argue with his fitness for the highest office in the land?

to my mind that's a no-brainer--but if in light of his actions since his aforementioned military heroism you haven't figured it out on your own already, i guess you'll have to wait for part 3 of this series for me to fucking spell it out.


Anonymous said...

Tell us guttermorality why you hate McCain so?

I am guessing it has nothing to do with being a member of the Keating 5?

Perhaps, it may have to do with what he has been doing the past 8 years since he lost to Bush in the dirty tricks of the South Carolina primary.

Perhaps it also may have something to do with a look at his actual record of what he has pledged to do if elected (stay in Iraq for 100 years for example).

I demand you tell us guttermorality!!!

mkf said...

(sigh) impatientmuse, why must you always assume that my own relatively minor scofflaw tendencies will automatically cause me to overlook the far more serious transgressions of others? trust me, mccain's behavior during the whole keating thing figures greatly in my estimation of his character.