Thursday, April 11, 2013

progress of a sort, i guess

so we're remodeling our bathroom, and the contractor is this 58-year-old i'd climb up one side of and down the other if i didn't think he'd swat me off, and then take home to mom.

so, see, noblesavage?  there's hope for me yet.

and in other news, i've been in discussions with a couple editors about maybe pulling some of the stuff from this blog together into the form of a book, and one of 'em, while passing on the project since he didn't think he was the one (and he's not--basically, i need carrie fisher off her medication, but she won't return my calls), wrote me today that

You do what you do (especially the reversal) quite well.*

and it occurred to me that, if i'm gonna talk to these serious professionals about my writing, then perhaps it would behoove me to maybe pick up a book on the subject so i have at least some passing knowledge of what the fuck it is that i'm doing.

*now, you could read volumes into that little sentence, but i've decided to take it as a compliment.  and after a quick google search, i find i have to agree with him--i am a minor master of that particular technique; i just had no idea there was a name for it.


Anonymous said...

I love your stories man. Good luck.

My question is - who is the "we" remodeling your bathroom? I imagine you're splitting a mortgage with a 30-something former model who now spends his days in a big office with a wall of windows.

noblesavage said...

I, of course, have great respect for your writing ability. Your subjects, when they veer off the personal, well let's just say I don't always see your point and usually disagree with it when I do.

But, this is all good. As for thinking someone in their mid-fifties is attractive, hmmm, I am surprised. That has not been the guttermorality type. Young has been the guttermorality type. Then it was just youngish.

Anyhow, I am not surprised that folks would be interested, but keep in mind that the publishing industry is not in the best of times. So, the idea of publishing a book is more and more antiquated.

Anonymous said...

I would buy Guttermorality.

Do you plan to reveal your identity?

That in itself would be interesting.


mkf said...

to all: thank you for your kind words. i suppose i should clarify by saying that i was the one who initiated contact with these editors, not the other way around. but i have been encouraged by more than a few people to do this, so i think i'm gonna.

mitch: i wish that were true (although, make that a 20-something current model, ok?). but i'm actually renting space in a friend's house at the moment, while trying to figure out what comes next.

noblesavage: if i do this, it'll most likely take the form of an ebook on amazon or itunes.

anonymous: would i reveal my identity? i honestly dunno. perhaps better to remain a man of mystery, as the ugly reality of who's actually living and writing all this shit might hurt sales ;)

Will said...

I know of a couple of other books that have been published based on blogger entries. Both were filled with the bloggers' sexual encounters and sexual philosophy. So the interest of these editors is not too surprising. As I have mentioned elsewhere, I have always found your writing extremely honest and I think that, in itself, would recommend your work to publishers.they