Friday, January 18, 2013

notes from a weather pussy

finally, after what seems like an eternity of endless bitter, bone-chilling, soul-crushing cold--i'm talking mid-fifties, people--a break in the long winter of my discontent.  i mean, don't get me wrong, it's still damned chilly at 72, but i'm gonna go ahead, throw caution to the winds and open the doors to the barren, frozen tundra anyway, even if only for a few minutes.

don't worry, i'll leave the heater on--hell, i'm not a complete madman.


Will said...

Oh, I can tell you are not now and probably never have been a New Englander. At 72 degrees we're starting to take clothes off (actually I start taking clothes off when certain of our friends visit no matter what the temperature).

I like the deck with the tree (am I looking at magnolias?) and all the natural wood.

mkf said...

will: coming from texas as i do, i used to be able to take wild extremes in temperatures in stride, but five minutes in southern california turned me into a goddam pampered hothouse flower.

and yeah, that deck is right off my bedroom--i spend a lot of time out there under that (magnolia? sure, why not--magnolia) tree.