Sunday, December 9, 2012

and the reviews are in (continued)

when i wrote the first part of this post, it was with the full intention of coming back in part 2 and doing a point-by-point response to the reviews of this blog referenced therein.

thankfully, i'm sober now and back to my usual semi-indifference to the opinions of others, so i'll spare you most of it.  but i did wanna address a couple things.

first, one of paulo's readers weighs in:

what strikes me most about gregory's review of my blog--aside, of course, from its typical compassionate-liberal viciousness--is how it completely misses the point.  no sense of humor?!  this whole goddam blog is nothing but a dark cosmic joke, and i thought i'd made that fairly clear.  so either gregory's an idiot, or i've been deluding myself as to the extent of my supposed cleverness.  god, i hope it's the former.

as for paulo himself, while he professes to love the blog, he seems to see its author as nothing more than an amoral, aging lothario drunkenly crowing about all the boys he's nailed.  to this, i can only respond with the following, from an email i once wrote to faithful commenter noblesavage:

the reason you cringe at my trick stories, rob--in fact, the reason so much of what i write is cringeworthy--is because that is the intention of this long, five-year gutter-morality tale.  or, to put it another way,

oh mother, tell your children, not to do what i have done

(and yeah, will, i know--the animals did that one, too.)

where paulo nails me to the wall, however, is with the following observation:

I believe that even though one should have some courtesy to the person reading their drivel, paying a reader too much mind can fuck with your head as a writer.

boy, is he right about that.  i'm starting to care about what you assholes think, and it's clearly fucking with my head.


noblesavage said...

Fortunately for you, there are so few comments to really mess with your head.

Look, being a heavy drinker who manages to get things done is not so bad. It could be the alternative of where you lie there in a stupor and just do nothing but drink.

But the point of the blog has always been to express a somewhat unusual take on the world in general and your own life in particular.

The one thing all these comments are missing is that your best writing, the most endearing stories in my own opinion, are from Birdwood days and the years that follow and all the rest. You write with a great deal of affection for a time that was truly special.

Anonymous said...

I say FUCK IT and FUCK THEM!!!

Let us think what we're gonna think. Allow us to make our own conclusions and have our own opinions and reactions. You can't take what we the readers say (good or bad) personally because it has nothing to do with you. And you can't react as if you were being slapped in the face because you are anonymous. In remaining anonymous, you also remain non-existent. You are simply MKF. You have great stories and you describes a way of life that people can take or leave. You get to hold up a mirror and people can either admire themselves in this reflection or they can cringe and look away, but I believe people relate to that mirror. THEY CONNECT. Your stories are well written, but most importantly they are honest. And as long as this is your truth and you're not feeding them/us bullshit, we are going to relate on some level--maybe not to everything, but the connection is there.

I say let them say whatever they're going to say. When you react, all you do is push them away. The important thing is that they're saying something.


mkf said...

noblesavage: yeah, you do love that warm-and-fuzzy shit, don't you?

anonymous: yes, daddy ;)