Saturday, November 3, 2012

because he hadda come back for more, he hadda have it one more time

yeah, except that as soon as i leave the canyon, all my missing messages magically pop into place--but nice try, cupcake.

so i sit back and await an apology from this thoughtless little twit for wasting half my day driving halfway to hell and back for nothing, but a few days go by and then i get

as if nothing had happened.  nice try again, but i don't think so.  we'll wait him out, because--and i don't care how damn cute he and i both think he is--what he and i both know he needs doesn't exactly grow on trees in this city.

but instead, i get,

what the hell are they teaching these kids in twink school these days?  but wait, there's more:

jesus, he really is reaching now.  i'm thinking three or four more of these might earn him a provisional pass back into the Rotation, but it'll be damn sure be a grudgefuck, and he'd damn well better not blow it this time.

and that's what it's come down to, folks--playing power games with twinks.  oh well, everybody's gotta be good at something.

oh, and if you think for one goddam minute that tracking down this most obscure of tracks from the furthest reaches of the internet, creating a video of same and uploading it to youtube while drunk just for the sake of capping off this lousy post was a small feat, think again.  i'm nothing if not a slave to my goddam art, goddammit.

now get up and dance.


noblesavage said...

Why aren't you seeking a challenge to raise your game? At the very least, you could go for the 30-39 demographic instead of the 18-25 twinks. The guys with a little seasoning probably might challenge you a little more....or not.

mkf said...

noblesavage: oh i do, but that's messiness of a whole different order, and not nearly as blogworthy.