Tuesday, October 16, 2012

other than that, mrs. alvarez, how did you like the neighborhood?

johnnie lives with his mother in the westlake district of los angeles, a once-grand neighborhood near downtown that today would be described as sketchy at best. on the way to my place, i asked him by way of conversation how he and his mother liked living there, and he said, "it's not bad--we've been there a long time."

and then he told me by way of conversation about how back when he was in high school, a gang in the neighborhood sent a rival gang member a message by shooting and then garotting the guy's kid brother--a classmate of johnnie's--and then hanging the kid's splayed body by the neck from the front doorknob of their apartment for his mother to find when she came home from work.

"this happened near you?" i asked. "oh yeah," he said. "the building next door."

i thought about that a long minute, asked about the kid's mother. he said, "oh, she moved after that." that wasn't what i meant, but i let it go.

on the drive home after dropping johnnie off, i thought about his ordinary-looking building, the ordinary-looking building next door, the dozens of times i had walked those self-same ordinary streets at all hours secure in the knowledge that my white, middle-class bubble of immunity followed me everywhere.

and it occurred to me, and not for the first time, that after twenty-three years here, i still don't know shit about this city.


mkf said...

[comment from will]

Wow, I go away for two weeks and you put out some extremely compelling posts. At least they remained here to be caught up with.

I stumbled upon guttermorality back in the day when you were still putting out comment on architecture and a small variety of other topics. We had some very pleasant back and forths. Then, as you mentioned, the focus began to narrow to became more personally revealing. You may put it down to drunk blogging, and I have no doubt much of it is, but I also find it courageous. The thing that drew me to blogging was that one could reveal as much as one wished; I get the impression you reveal most if not everything. It's why I keep coming back.

mkf said...

thank you for that, will--i've always valued your participation here. if i do get pissy and take this thing private, rest assured you'll be one of the chosen few invited to come along ;)

Anonymous said...

Do. Not. Make. This. Private.


mkf said...

fine, anonymous--i will continue to allow these vampires to feast on my tortured flesh for free. because i am, at heart, a giver. i give, and i give, and i give.

Anonymous said...

A giver? Guttermorality?

Remember, there are percipient witnesses who can give impeachment testimony...but for now will have to agree.