Monday, January 9, 2012

would you like some dick with that therapy?

i like to think that if dr. laura had an adam4adam account, we'd be colleagues.



noblesavage said...

Kinda odd.

Here, the partnered guy wants love and affection. Something tells me that doesn't make any sense.

Usually it's the single guys on sex sites who are looking for love and the partnered guys who just want sex.

Will said...

There are a lot of guys out there who are emotionally blocked and turn relationships cold. Not all guys are looking for just sex. My husband was in just such a relationship before I came on the scene. This situation makes lots of sense, actually.

Anonymous said...

O.M.G. I dated a guy with sex issues. He was too tired, to old, he had wreckage from past drug use, he needed to workout more and do yoga to build up his sex drive and the excuses were endless. Sex became this "thing" and it was not sexy. Of course he cheated on me. He dumped me for the bitch he was seeing behind my back and he did with that bitch all the things he refused to do with me. It was a bitter pill to swallow, because although I've been dumped many times before, I have nevah EVAH been dumped for another bitch. NEVER!!!


It was the universe doing for me what I couldn't do for myself.

Now I say fuck that shit!

I hope this guy kicked that sexless shit relationship to the curb.

If a guy comes at you with no sex drive, all he's saying is that he doesn't want to have sex with YOU. And that fucker is too selfish to let you go he waits for the right fuck buddy to come along.

Happens all the time.
