Saturday, August 21, 2010

in other words, if you're a rich, white illegal alien, we don't want you


[disclaimer:  while piers morgan is undoubtedly one of the more useless assholes i can think of offhand, this story is what caught my shitfaced attention tonight i always try to rise above my own personal prejudices when it comes to defending core principles, because that's the kinda noble, high-minded blogger i am.]

think about this a minute:  here's a british citizen who's all set to finalize a multi-million dollar contract with a major american corporation which will ultimately end up contributing god only knows how many hundreds of thousands of sorely-needed dollars to our tax base--but no, our government's gonna give him shit and hold up production of his new show because he's an alien.

at the same time as this highly-productive, highly-desirable foreign petitioner is being made to jump through hoops for an american work visa, eric holder and janet napolitano are practically down at the arizona border with checkered flags waving in hordes of penniless mexicans and central americans who will each, over the course of their lifetimes, cost the american taxpayer at least three dollars for every dollar they contribute in taxes.

but hey--rich white people with shit to lose don't usually vote for democrats, do they?

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