Wednesday, August 4, 2010

if i'd known we were talking this kinda money, i'd have crapped the bed every day and made 'em spoon-feed me

so how much does a week in the hospital cost these days?

when you pick your jaw up off the floor, keep in mind this is just for the bed--the bills for all the various doctors and their various medications and tests will follow shortly.

the part i really love is, how since i have insurance, i get the discount [whereas, if i were some poor uninsured shlub who could no doubt totally afford it, i'd take the full hit].  and thus is the state of healthcare in america.

more than once in the past few years i've thought about chucking it all, cashing in my chips and traveling the world while i'm still young.  one of the main reasons that hasn't happened:  the thought that one little uninsured illness like the above could wipe me out.

and thus i remain an indentured (and insured) corporate servant, and probably will for the foreseeable.

[and for anyone who's considering commenting on how obamacare's gonna fix this shit--don't even, ok?]

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