Monday, June 21, 2010

here's what's really happening in arizona

[because god knows you're not hearing it in the mainstream media]

as the obama administration prepares to file suit against the state of arizona for its racist new law--all the while assuring the credulous media that the southern border has never been safer--the US bureau of land management is quietly hammering up hundreds of signs just like this one all across a wide swath of said state,

effectively ceding a good portion of arizona from the border north to the outskirts of phoenix to the mexican human smugglers and drug cartels.

as pinal county sheriff paul babeu simply put it in a recent (and mostly ignored) press conference, describing the increasingly-sophisticated weaponry and military tactics employed by the enemy,

"we do not have control of this area."

do you get it, gentle readers--does it fully penetrate?  if not, lemme spell it out for you:

while the US government through its DEA pursues, imprisons and confiscates the property of millions of  small-time drug-dealing and -using US citizens with ruthless impunity, it stands back and allows the foreign suppliers of said drugs carte blanche access to our country--hell, even clears a corridor for 'em.

and when the state in which said corridor happens to lie is overwhelmed by the resulting drug-dealing, kidnappings, carjackings, murders and fiscal drain and, after years of being ignored by the federal government finally takes measures to protect itself, it is then attacked by the very federal government which is charged with its preservation, protection and defense.

and why?  all because the democrats figure a little mayhem in arizona is a small price to pay in order to keep their existing hispanic voters happy, and maybe even legalize several million new ones.

don't believe me?  here's the obama administration's latest approach to dealing with the situation.

and if after clicking on the above link you're not convinced that the answer to our border problem lies in making illegal-alien detention centers more like club med resorts, then all i can say is

you racist bastard.

*     *     *     *     *

for the record:

the last time i discussed this topic, i made the following statement as regards arizona's now-infamous SB 1070:

they've suddenly made fully a third of their legal citizens brown-skinned targets for police-state excess, and i can't imagine anything more un-american than that.

since i wrote that post, two things happened:

1.  the arizona legislature clarified the language of the bill to ensure that (a) cops couldn't just arbitrarily pull people over and ask for proof of citizenship or legal visitation--such request could only occur during "lawful contact," defined thereafter as a "lawful stop, detention or arrest;" and (b) race could not be considered as a factor in determining proof of citizenship.

2.  i actually read the bill and did my homework--turns out arizona is doing nothing more than adopting as state law an existing federal law which was signed in 1996 by well-known right-wing racist bill clinton.

in other words, i've done a total 180--you go, arizona.


noblesavage said...

As I remember, I thought your previous post on the Arizona law was predictable and angry white guy. and then I read it.

I liked your nuanced and well considered post on the Arizona law...and now you take it back.

Back to angry white guy. This post could have been written at angry or any of a dozen other forums for all of this.

Without commentating on the merits of the Arizona law, it does appear that Arizona want to take the national issue of immigration policy into its own hands. States in open rebellion as to federal issues and federal policy decisions is nothing new, but no less improper for its commonness.

mkf said...

ok, just so i'm clear on this: when i write a post you agree with, it's nuanced and well-considered; when it's one you don't, then i'm just a simplistic, one-dimensional raving loon.

i would suggest that my views are far more often nuanced and well-considered than not; maybe it's your filter that's faulty.

as to the substance of your comment, all i can say is, did you READ the post? i mean, when the federal government cynically and calculatedly abandons its job as protector of the border, what the hell do you expect the border states to do--lay back and take it as you apparently would? seriously, rob--where are your borders?

judi said...

To completely change the subject: what do you do when someone sends an e-mail about Kevin Rudd 'proving' that he's a badass by demanding all Islamic Muslims to leave Australia, only to snopes the e-mail and come up with the right answer. Said sender states "oh well, it's still better than what's being done in the states".

What the hell do you do with that? Why do people pride themselves on being sooooo smart yet can't understand that their opinion is flawed and not based in fact?

Am I making sense? Nyquil is invading my brain.

mkf said...

judi: i struggled with this one, babe, but i did some googling and think i know where you're going.

truth is, australia (and new zealand, for that matter) have immigration policies which are far stricter than anything arizona's ever contemplated in its wildest dreams, but those countries are given a pass because they're tough and unyielding in their positions and put up with no bullshit from the idiot left, and the activists know it's not worth the fight.

america, on the other hand, has become so incrementally pussified by political correctness over the years that today, a law which seemed perfectly reasonable and generated no negative press when signed on a national level by bill clinton 14 years ago is deemed "racist" when enacted by a state today. sensing weakness, the activists attacked--and all of a sudden, by decree, the ridiculous notion that america is turning into nazi germany becomes conventional wisdom among the idiot left.

did that answer your question?

judi said...

meh, I'm not sure it did. I'm starting to believe that the residents of Austin aren't all that bright.

Or perhaps I just need a new set of friends. That someone I know patently believes *every* e-mail sent to them (and then couldn't care less when I point out what's flawed) irks me to no end.

When's the last time you were in town? There doesn't seem to be much progress on the Echelon building, oh, and the UT Tower is closing until March 2011. It's also balls ass hot here, and summer's barely just begun.

This is what happens when I don't get to talk to y'all as often as I'd like - verbal puke.

And I know you claim to be anti-social and all that bullshit, but I've learned to make a 'real' mexican martini (Trudy's recipe, natch) just in case you know...want to come shoot the shit.

mkf said...

judi: unfortunately, i don't get back to texas much these days--new job = no vacation days. i do hope i can take you up on that mexican martini one day, tho.

Anonymous said...

Actually, the problem with the Arizona 1070 law is its repercussions. Sure, it sounds nice on paper... but the racism that it instills in people there, especially the children--that's something the media is NOT portraying.

If you research hard enough, you'll see how truly ineffective and racist this bill really is. Again, look deep...'cause the media is not portraying the negative aspects of this bill