Tuesday, June 1, 2010

can somebody tell me why

leaving an open piece of luggage on the floor is apparently the universally-understood symbol for "please piss here" in cat language?

[a question i shoulda addressed at least two cats and three pieces of luggage ago, but what can i say--i'm a slow learner]


Blindman said...

In cat language, it says: "leaving me? here, take this." For as much as they like to maintain the aura of independence, they really don't like to be alone, and kitty is just letting you know. Many a cat has stowed away in their owner's luggage.

mkf said...

blindman: thing is, i was back from the trip. i'm wondering if it didn't have more to do with the (still-alive and pre-dismembered) lizard i took away from her that morning. either way, she has a way with cat language.