Saturday, February 27, 2010

yet another interesting chart

let us pause in our merciless attack on the brainless left and scrutinize the teabaggers for a minute: waving their misspelled signs and screaming for limited government and fiscal restraint, you could almost forget that most of 'em no doubt cheered on the idiot bush as he trampled our civil liberties and spent us from surplus into bankruptcy whilst waging his stupid, pointless wars--but only almost.

where do most conservatives wanna cut?  as the above chart makes clear (courtesy of the american national election studies), it's simple:  foreign aid and welfare.

the problem, you teabaggers, is that foreign aid and welfare account for less than 1% and 6% of our annual budget, respectively--a mere drop in the bucket.

the other 93%--social security, the military, medicare, childcare, science/technology, education, border security, infrastructure?  no way, jose--less than 15% of self-identified conservatives would condone cutting any of those.

in other words, you pussies, you're just as pro big-government as the lefties you pretend to deplore.

[me?  gimme the budget, a red pencil, a half-gallon of vodka and a long weekend and we'd be back in the black, goddammit.]


noblesavage said...

It is true you are not a conservative...not in the traditional sense.

For guttermorality is a Ron Paul Texas style libertarian.

And, if you talk to Ron Paul, he would cut almost everything from the federal government except for a modest defense budget.

THOSE are your people.

So, yeah, you deplore and laugh at the conservative who at least have the common sense to recognize that government serves an important purpose in our society and that government programs should really not be cut.

Guttermorality, on the other hand, would cut a lot because you see no purpose for it all.

It's almost like you are laughing at conservatives for having half a heart.

Byzantine Boy said...

The "liberals have a heart" bullshit is the funniest thing I've ever heard .

Obama and the leftists are just making America into a big Detroit .

mkf said...

noblesavage: you keep tryin to pigeonhole me into some category you're comfortable with, when the truth is you have no idea where i really stand.

byzantine boy's right in his own way, tho--your notion of "government with a heart" does make me laugh.